President Kirsten Cannon welcomed 31 members and 3 visitors to the meeting.
A thank you letter from Pam Mansfield had been received informing members of the recent coffee day held at Natland Tea Rooms which had raised in excess of £1500 for the defibrillator fund. President Kirsten expressed her thanks to members and friends for raising £100 from the September open meeting also in support of the defibrillator fund.
Entry forms for the Craft Exhibition to be held on 4 November are available from Elspeth Jayne and donations of cakes/bakes would be welcome.
President Kirsten then welcomed Pam Hetherington a podiatrist from The Foot Clinic, Kendal. Pam gave an interesting talk on her role in diagnosing and treating conditions of the lower limbs and feet and stressed the importance of foot care. Following her talk, she welcomed questions from members on various foot conditions.
Kate Toms gave the vote of thanks.
The competition for a silly pair of socks was won by Jenny Butler with Janet Greenhalgh in second place.
The raffle was won by Pauline McDonald.
Date of next meeting is November 15th at 7.15pm in Natland Village Hall which will be the AGM.