Monday, 6 November 2017

Craft Fair and Exhibition - results

Sue Ashton, the Craft Fair Organiser, and Kirsten Cannon who
organised the raffle
The sun shone and the village was thronged with people last Saturday, partly for the Craft Fair and Exhibition but also for the marriage of Helen Chandler and Brian Gleeson. 

This was the 18th Natland Craft Fair and Exhibition and it was good to see Charles Usher, the widower of Rosemary whose ideas started the event 18 years ago. He had come from Wetherby for the day with his daughter Jane.

The Craft Fair was successful again this year, raising £769.05 for Village Hall funds; a similar result to last year.

Thank you to everyone who lent treasured work to the exhibition. The winner of the favourite item competition was Julia Baker with her felted sheep's head.