Monday, 26 February 2018

Natland Gardens Open Day

Once again this year we hope there will to be a gardens open day in the village which will take place on Sunday 22nd July. We may extend the event to the day before as well to give visitors more chance to see all the gardens. It will be two years since such an event was held. The day is going to be organised again jointly by the church and the village hall committee.

Volunteers are needed to open their gardens, however large or small, to the public. Many of the garden owners who opened their gardens last time have offered to do so again and we thank them for this. If you would be willing to open your garden this time or know someone who might agree then please let us know.

Not all back gardens are appropriate to be opened in this way so we would welcome those with attractive front gardens who would be happy to have folk admire their handy work to also offer their gardens.

The village hall committee will be organising the sale of refreshments for the benefit of hall funds and all other money raised will go to the church. We have booked a warm and sunny day!

If you are willing to offer your garden or want any more information please contact or speak with Collin Mansfield or contact him at or 07740 447858.

Friday, 23 February 2018

Agenda for Natland Parish Council meeting

There will be a meeting of Natland Parish Council in Natland Village Hall on Monday 26th February 2018 at 7pm. Click here for the agenda. The Cash Statement and Budget Statement will be discussed.

More building work proposed near Natland

This planning application is for 80 extra care residential apartments and 24 bungalows on the east side of the railway line, south of Fell Close. Click here for the link.

Steam train on Saturday

On Saturday 24th Feb 45699 Galatea northbound Oxenholme 11.43. Pat Williams.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Fraudster in Area

Police are appealing for information after reports of fraud locally, this is in the form of a banking scam whereby offenders have contacted the victims via the telephone and persuaded them to withdraw large sums of cash from their banks accounts. An unknown male of Asian appearance, wearing a baseball cap has then attended their home addresses to collect the cash. This male was seen in Natland around 16:00hrs on Monday 12th February and 16:00hrs on Tuesday 13th February.

Anyone who may have seen a male of this description or has any relevant information please contact me.

Police would like to remain residents to remain vigilant to telephone scams. The Police or banks will never contact people and ask them for money.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Monday Club Meeting

The Club will meet in the Village Hall at 2pm on 19th February 2018 when Jean Turnbull will speak on "Memories of Kendal". Refreshments and Bookstall will follow.

Friday, 9 February 2018

SLDC Appeal statement

The statement by South Lakeland District Council against the appeal by Oakmere Homes over the refusal to grant planning permission for a housing development to the east of Longmeadow Lane is now available to view.   

Monday, 5 February 2018

Parish Magazine for February

Click here for the Parish News and details of all the events this month.

There are plenty of Lent Groups to choose from this year, and the season will be launched on Shrove Tuesday, 13th February with Coffee and Pancakes in the Village Hall, served from 11.30am to 1pm. There'll be savoury and sweet pancakes at £1 apiece, 50p for children. Proceeds for the Leprosy Mission. Everyone welcome.

Age UK Meet

Natland Young at Heart Social Group for older residents will meet on Monday 12th February at Natland Village Hall at 1.45pm. 
South Lakeland Age UK  have also organised walking Rugby and Football session in the Kendal area, as well as Gentle Exercise, Craft, Snooker, Pool, Dominoes and Darts. Click here for the Parish News and go to page 14 for more details.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Weather Statistics for January

                                                          2018          2017
Temperature at 8 am                          4.0c 3.4c
Minimum Temperature (Average)        2.8c    1.9c
Maximum Temperature (Average)       6.0c 5.7c
                                                          mm in   mm    in
Rainfall                                            160.5 6.4   80     3.2
The New Year has continued where the old left off : wet ! Not particularly cold with just a few nights down to zero. No real snow in Natland but plenty on the hills in the distance. One (short) month to endure before Spring! John Dobson.