If you live in the civil parish of Natland you are invited to attend
at 7.30pm on Thursday 10th May 2018
Some of the items to be discussed are :
- To consider the following Motion from Natland Parish Council, that: 'This meeting would support a No Cold Calling Zone covering the whole of Natland Village.'
- .To consider the following Motion from Guy Weller that:' This meeting request that the Parish Council drop the proposal for a combined cycleway/footpath along Natland Road from their objectives'.
- To consider the following Motion from Guy Weller that:' This meeting request that the Parish Council lobbies for imposition of a continuous 40mph speed limit on Natland Road between the village northern boundary and the start of the 30mph limit in Kendal.
There will be an Open Forum – a chance to raise any other matters or concerns about Natland Parish. Click here for the full agenda.