Friday, 28 September 2018

Harvest Festival and October Church Parish News

To see the Parish News for October, with information about the harvest and many other events, click here.

The Harvest Supper includes steak pie with red cabbage and pickled onions followed by a large choice of puddings. Email here if you would like tickets.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Gentle Exercise starts on Monday

Age UK Gentle Exercise classes commence on Monday, 24 September from 2 to 3.30pm.  The classes will be held weekly in the Village Hall except on the 3rd Monday of the month.

Come along, keep fit and join in a fun chair based exercise class.

A suggested donation of £2.50 would be gratefully received.  Tea and coffee is included.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Angel Fest and Coffee Morning for The Mission to Seafarers

There's a Coffee Morning in Church on Thursday 27th September at 10.30 and the church will be decorated all over with angels for the Angel Fest which will be there to see until Sunday evening.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Minutes of the September Parish Council Meeting

The name of the new Police Officer looking after the interests of Natland was announced at the last Parish Council Meeting. She is PCSO Jenna Egglestone and she can be contacted on
Click here to find out about the other things that were discussed.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Clubs and Actvities at the Village Hall

There is no need to be bored or lonely in or near Natland! Just download the new Parish Directory and look at page 6 to choose from all the activities that are happening now.

Yoga with a Chair

This is a new course starting on Friday 5th October in the morning. Click this link for more details

Badminton Club: New season

Natland badminton starts their new season on Thursday 27th September. 
New, earlier, start time of 7pm.
New members always welcome
For further information contact Rosie Gregg on  07535 847784 

Friday, 7 September 2018

Parish Council Agenda for September meeting.

Attached is the Agenda for the next meeting of Natland Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 13th September at 7pm. We will find out what the County Council say about the proposal to reduce the speed limit to 40mph on Natland Road, and to have just a footpath rather than a footpath and cycleway. There are vacancies for new councillors. Financial Statement. Budget Statement. 

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Cold Caller

There's been a young man trying to sell household items door-to-door today, even to houses where there is a no cold calling sign. He has been described as abusive when householders refuse to buy. The police say that cold calling isn't a crime. However abuse probably is and can be reported  by telephoning 101 or emailling

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Natland Monday Club

The first meeting of the 2018-2019 session is on 17 September, when the speaker will be Brian Gomm, “In the footsteps of an Edwardian plant-hunter”.

The programme for the 2018-2019 session is as follows:
17 September, “In the footsteps of an Edwardian plant-hunter”, Brian Gomm
15 October, Antiques Roadshow, Andrew Aindow
19 November, “On the home front: South Lakeland 1939-1945”, Jean Turnbull
3 December, Christmas Party
21 January, “Going wild in Cumbria”, Maurice Steele 
18 February, “Sweetness and light: our relationship with honey bees”, Julia Pigott
18 March, “Crewing on tall ships”, Pat Ascroft
15 April, “Discovering Lake District villages”, Andrew Lowe
20 May, AGM followed by quiz
17 June, Summer Event

The meetings are in the Village Hall, beginning at 2.00 p.m., and the talks are followed by tea and biscuits. At each meeting there is a book stall.

New members are welcome, and the annual membership fee is £12 (payable by cheque preferably).

Monday, 3 September 2018

Church Magazine for September Available.

The Parish News has an angelic theme this month. Click here for all the details.

The Weather in August.

Temperature at 8 a.m.
13.8° C
13.5° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
11.0° C
12.1° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
18.4° C
18.4° C
156.5 mm
112 mm
After the heatwave, it was back to normal with westerlies most of the month. Temperatures were almost identical to last August and rainfall was average for this month. Despite the drought in June and July, we could still end up with more than 50 inches of rain this year. John Dobson.