Remembrance and Reflection
To mark the 100th anniversary of the Armistice, there will be an exhibition in St. Mark's Church. John Chandler has researched the lives of people who served in the First Word War and who have an association with this parish or one of its parishioners. The results will be displayed in church on Thursday to Saturday, November 8th to the 10th, from 11am until 4pm each day.
On Thursday the 8th there will be a Communion Service at 10am followed by a Coffee Morning at 10.30 in the Vestry. Proceeds for the British Legion.
On Saturday the 10th at 7.30pm there will be a concert in church with words and music to mark the Armistice and Peace, with K Shoes Choir and guest soloists. This will cost £7.50, proceeds for St. Mark's Church.