Monday 25 February 2019

W.I. report for February

President Marion Want welcomed 31 members to the meeting.  She thanked Elspeth Jayne for the beautiful flower arrangement.

A number of members had recently attended the Sing-a-long Oklahoma event at Kendal Town Hall, and had an enjoyable time and a very good lunch.

Heather Harkness gave an interesting talk on the most common psychological illnesses – Stress, Anxiety and Depression.  She said one of the ways we can all give help to sufferers is by ‘just being there’.

President Marion introduced the Speaker, Glenis Marriott from the charity Headway, South Cumbria.  Glenis gave a very interesting and enlightening illustrated talk about the charities work in supporting people with brain injuries and their families.  Most of those affected will need long term rehabilitation and sadly neuro rehabilitation services in Cumbria are very limited. Elaine Close gave the vote of thanks.

The competition for a heart was won by Sylvia Shaw with Jean Dobson second.  The monthly raffle was won by Alison Hall. 

Date of next meeting is Wednesday 2oth March at 7.30 pm in Natland Village Hall when the speaker will be Dorothy Hindle – ‘ Pam Ayres, Her Life and Poems’.