There are seven seats on Natland Parish Council, but three of them are currently vacant. The Council can fill these casual vacancies by co-opting new members who could then hold office until May 2022, when the next full election will be held.
The Council serves the community by providing some things directly – such as maintaining the village green, footway lighting, bus shelters, spring litter hunt, annual report and parish meeting – and making representations to other bodies about the services they provide – such as highways (County Council) and planning (District Council).
The notice board and give meeting agenda and minutes showing what we do. It is a valuable public service but we are few. Please consider joining us and making a real difference to your community. Training would be provided. Contact any Councillor – John Houghton (015395 60727) David and Rhian Peters (015395 60671) Sarah Roberts (015395 61617) - or just come and observe the next Council meeting at 7pm on Monday 25 February in the Village Hall.