Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Natland Spring Litter Hunt 2019

The fourteenth Spring Litter Hunt since the Natland Parish Plan of 2004 proposed its re-introduction took place on Saturday 23 March 2019.  After a wet week a cold front passed over late on Friday giving a fine weekend – not too cold and not too windy.  21 volunteers turned out in the morning (compared to 26 last year and 14 the year before) which was just enough to allocate all the picking ‘zones’.  So by lunchtime the job was done!

There was noticeably less litter this year with fewer ‘black bags’ stacked at the pick-up points for SLDC to collect.  This may be due to fewer offenders (we live in hope!), the cumulative effects of the annual Litter Hunt over the years, SLDC operatives tidying the areas around the litter bins, and also informal picking during the year by public-spirited but anonymous individuals when they spot a problem area.  That needs to be encouraged.  The Parish Council has a small stock of picking tongs, high-visibility waistcoats, gloves and bags that people can borrow for such ad hoc volunteering.

No exciting discoveries this year, which is good.  There are still ‘no go’ eyesore areas such as Helm Sink (over the wall by the A65 lay-by) and the old mill leat beside Natland Mill Beck Lane.  A challenge for the future, perhaps?

Thanks go again to SLDC for providing equipment and taking the bags and heavier items to tip, and to the public-spirited volunteers who were: Hilary Atkinson, Andrea Booth, Mary and Michael Clark, Ellie and Rupert Grover, Barbara and Stephen Hitchcock, John Houghton, John Inglesfield, Robert Inglesfield, Jenny Kelly, Dennis Pook, Sarah Roberts, Judith Robinson, Don Shore, Ian and Deb Sutherland, Ann Taylor, Richard and Lynne White.  Well done all of you!

David Peters
Natland Parish Councillor
