Friday, 3 May 2019

Christian Aid Week, Coffee Morning and Spring Plant Sale

You are invited to a
in St. Mark’s Church, Natland
10.30am -12 noon. 
There will be stalls with spring plants and produce, a bring and buy and a raffle. 
Admission £1.50 includes coffee/tea and biscuits.
£356.30 was raised at this event. Thanks everybody who came along.

Tenneh and baby Ansumana receive care from nurse Judith
at the community clinic. Photo credit Christian Aid/Tom Pilston

This year for Christian Aid Week the focus is on childbirth in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is the world’s most dangerous place to become a mum. For example, Nurse Judith, pictured here in the village of Serula, works around the clock to meet the needs of mums and young children who come to the clinic. But the need is great, and sometimes she’s forced to send people away. When women come to the clinic at night, she uses a torch.  In addition to this, there are often not enough drugs at the clinic. Judith sees diseases like malaria and typhoid, especially in children. She has to go on a motorbike or sometimes walk for three hours to collect drugs. Women are dying from childbirth, children under five are dying, because of poverty. 
Please take the opportunity to help by putting money into the red envelope that your neighbour will deliver shortly. It will be collected later that week, or it can be left at the Vicarage, or find out more and donate via the Christian Aid website,  Elspeth Jayne, CAW organiser.