Thursday, 19 December 2019

Christmas in Natland

It’s the last Sunday in Advent on the 22nd and there will be an Advent Communion in the morning at 10am. Then in the evening at 6.30 there will be a Carol Service with a mixture of carols old and new.

The next events are on Christmas Eve with the Christingle Service at 4pm and then the Christmas Communion at 11.30pm. 

On Christmas Day there will be a quiet Communion service at 9am and at 10.15am there will be a Christmas Morning service which is suitable for children.

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Village Hall Newsletter


Welcome to the latest from the Natland & Oxenholme Village Hall team.

Many of the hall users are winding down for a Christmas & New Year break from their regular sessions, perhaps with a seasonal flavour for their last gathering of 2019, and though the hall will be less used over the holiday period there are some one-off Christmas and New Year bookings. 

The hall committee are planning to have the small hall re-decorated during summer 2020.  We'll keep you updated as our plans evolve, and we're always receptive to hall user's ideas for improvements. 

The Annual Craft Fair & Exhibition in early November raised £817 for hall improvement works - so thank you to all who supported this event as a visitor or volunteer.  After several years Sue & Ian Ellison are stepping back from organising this annual event, so our thanks to them.  This does however mean that we're in need of a someone to take the lead on booking and co-ordinating stall-holders for next year's Craft Fair - supported by committee members  organising the refreshments, raffle and helpers on the day.  To ease the transition Ian & Sue have left a well-documented 'How to...' guide so if there is anyone who could help on this front please contact Sarah ( 535251)  or Midge ( , 01539 731727) to find out more about what's involved - without any commitment at this stage!

In 2020 our next event is the annual Art Exhibition of works for sale by local artists taking place at the hall on the weekend 13th -14th March.   Invitations to local artists who've previously participated will be sent out in January, but if you're a 'new' artist who'd like to exhibit please let Sarah have your contact details. 

And finally if you're new to the village, or now looking to play a part keeping the community socially thriving, why not consider joining the village hall team - we'd love to hear from you.

Seasons greetings to all our readers 

Friday, 13 December 2019

Natland under siege from the South in the New Year

A temporary road closure has been put in place to allow Centurion Traffic Management to carry out removal works.
This notice will come into operation 6th January 2020 and is expected to remain in place for an approx. duration of 12 days.  Click here for their map, which seems to indicate that the closure will be on Sedgwick Road near Newlands, which is where this notice has appeared!

Helm Lane too will be closed for possibly 6 weeks starting from the 9th January. Click here for the map. This is to enable masonry repairs to take place on the railway bridge.

Should you require any further information relating to these works please do not hesitate to contact Zoe Sayles, Assistant Traffic Management Technician, Cumbria County Council.    01229 407290.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Parish Council Minutes for November.

A police report, grass-cutting, planning matters, obstruction to the Towpath Trail and accessibility issues to the website all feature on the Parish Council Minutes. 

Monday, 2 December 2019

The Weather in Natland in November

Nov. average
Temperature at 8 a.m.
5.4° C
5.7° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
3.5° C
4.0° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
8.2° C
8.3° C
91 mm
144 mm
In contrast to the Eastern side of the country, November was not as wet as usual in Natland. There was very little rain in the second half of the month but it was quite cold. John Dobson.

Sunday, 1 December 2019