The Parish Council and several villagers
are very concerned about the recent outbreak of dog fouling, particularly on
Helm Lane where two large piles a day are being discovered.
Volunteers have posted extra signs along
Helm Lane to raise awareness and possibly deter the offender. Residents are on the lookout.
Since the 2004 Parish Plan’s publicity
campaign the problem in Natland has steadily declined as dog owners have become
more socially responsible. So the latest
incidents may arise from a single individual’s uncaring attitude rather than
any wider ignorance among dog-owners of what is expected these days.
Non-removal of dog faeces is a public
nuisance and a health hazard. It can be
fined (up to £1000) under SLDC’s 2018 Public Spaces Protection Order. Offenders, if identified, should be reported
through the SLDC website or by phoning 01539 733333.
And let your Parish Council know.
David Peters
Chair of Natland Parish Council