Thursday, 27 February 2020

Natland Parish Council - Minutes of last meeting

The Minutes of the Council meeting held on the 24th February are available to view here.

Monday, 24 February 2020

A bit floody today

A happy duck on the 'pond' opposite Appletree School.
Village Green - wellies needed.

Lancaster Canal Trust Meeting

Lancaster Canal Trust Open Social Meeting Tuesday 3rd of March 2020
At the Longlands Hotel, Tewitfield LA6 1JH
7pm for a 7.30 start
The Longlands Hotel has proved to be a popular venue for our social meetings so we are going to hold our March meeting there. Social meetings are important for members and friends to get together to find out what is happening with the trust and to socialise with other members.
Our speakers will be Peter Jones who will give us an illustrated update on the First Furlong, a lot has been happening there! Our Chairman Robin Yates will also talk about the other work of the trust and lead an open discussion/question time session.
We will hold social meetings twice each year, in March and October and together with our AGM in the middle of the year this should give everyone plenty of opportunity to catch up with what is happening.
The meeting will be of special interest to members of the Lancaster Canal Trust but we would be delighted to welcome non members as well. 
There will be a charge of £3.00 per person, payable on the door and light refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Natland Parish Council; Agenda for next meeting.

The next Parish Council Meeting is on the 24th February and there is a lot on the Agenda. Click here for details. 

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Jumble Sale

St. Mark's Church, Natland and Oxenholme.
If you have any jumble to donate, please bring to the village hall on the morning, between 

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Report of the January W.I.Meeeting

President Marion introduced the speaker Trevor Hughes, a local amateur historian and author of several publications about Kendal, who had stepped in at short notice. Trevor gave a very interesting illustrated talk on the Yards of Kendal that formed Part 2 of the talk that he presented Part 1 of in January 2019. Members were enthralled by photographs of the Yards taken many decades ago and stories of the people associated with them. Marley Hunter gave the vote of thanks.

Date of next meeting is Wednesday 19 February at 7.30 pm in Natland Village Hall when the speaker will be Stephen Halliwell whose talk is entitled ‘Yes we have no Galanthus’.

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Church Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who came to the Coffee Morning yesterday. £302.15 was raised for the work of the North West Air Ambulance!

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Building work started on development east of railway line.

Building work has started on the extra care residential development (80 apartments with communal facilities, and 24 bungalows), south of Fell Close, off Burton Road Oxenholme, LA9 7ER. Click here for details of the plans on SLDC’s website. The application number was SL/2017/0620.

Monday Club Meeting

The club will meet as usual in the Village Hall on 17th February '20 at 2.00pm when Tony Womack will give a talk on "Kendal Mountain Rescue".
Tea and biscuits to follow with Bookstall available.

Natland's Weather in January

Jan. average
Temperature at 8 a.m.
5.8° C
3.2° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
4.3° C
2.8° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
7.7° C
6.0° C
12.5 mm
16.5 mm
January was very mild and rainfall was below average. We had a spell of remarkably high pressure (around 1040mb) which gave us dry but cloudy conditions for a few days.  John Dobson.