Sunday, 31 May 2020

Parish News for June

There's plenty to read about in the Church magazine for June, and plenty to think about in these unusual times.
Church activities have been going on on-line, as regular readers of this blog will have noticed, and the Rev'd Craig Bentley who is the curate at St. Mark's agreed to be a joint blogger to make sure the services pop up here as soon as possible. 

A Warning that the Virus still lurks.

Red Riding Hood and the Wolf on Longmeadow Lane.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Plants Available

There is a selection of different sorts of plants - mostly herbaceous - available by the porch at the church. Proceeds for church funds.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Plant Stall for Christian Aid

Since it was not possible to do a Christian Aid collection door-to-door this year we had a plant stall out at the top of the drive at 12 Long Meadow Lane. 
Donations were invited for Christian Aid, because Covid-19 will impact even more in countries where people don't have anything to fall back on in times of crisis.  Elspeth Jayne

The total raised at the Plant Stall was £480.00, including many generous donations. Thank you very much to all who came and all who gave.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Natland Parish Council; Annual Report and Accounts.

This is a low key version of Natland Parish Council's usual report, as everything that was happening came to an abrupt halt in March. Click here to remember what normal was like. 

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Open Garden Pictures

A water hyacinth flowering in Jenny Kelly's new pond at Wayleaves.

Here's a welcome reminder that it's lilac time, from the Outhwaites on Abbey Drive.

200 Club - May Prizewinner

The winning numbers in the May draw of the village hall's 200 Club are: 1st - 44,  2nd - 4, 3rd - 70.

You need to 'be in it to win it', and with 3 prizes each month and only around 100 numbers currently allocated the odds are better than in many lotteries!  See HERE for details on how to subscribe.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Open Garden pictures

This is a photo of Anne Bagnall's wilful Wisteria on The Oaks. Wilful because it tries to take over the whole garden, but it is rather lovely when in flower and a lovely cool place to sit when it is rather too hot out in the sun.

Here are two sunny pictures from Jude and Keith Hodsoll's garden, back and front.

Azalea and Rhododendron

Christian Aid Quiz

Then there is a special Christian Aid Quiz Sheet available here.

Friday, 8 May 2020

75th Anniversary of V.E. Day

Here is the link to the V.E. Day Commemoration Service compiled by the clergy of St. Mark's Church, Natland. The Service Sheet can be downloaded here.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Open Garden pictures

The Wisteria at Pam and Collin Mansfields
rivalling wisteria flowers at the Outhwaites on Abbey Drive.
Red, white and blue, ready for VE Day, on Hilary Atkinson’s garden. Maple, azalea, hellebore and lithodora.
A blue abutilon with a white deutzia in the foreground, in Sarah's garden at the Anchorage.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Frozen Ready Meals

Yule Cottage is in Sedgwick, and they can deliver meals. Click here for details.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Corona Update from Cumbria Police

Click here to get an insight into the problems the police force are having to deal with.

Lost Keys

A set of keys to a Land Rover and some house keys, have been lost somewhere in Natland this last week. If you find them please could you let me know.    

Friday, 1 May 2020

Lost Flowers

Flowers have been delivered to 7 Longmeadow Lane but the name on the label is Sue Crook, who doesn't live there. So, if they're yours, please pop round for them.

The Weather in Natland in April

Apr. average
Temperature at 8 a.m.
8.6° C
6.5° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
4.9° C
4.8° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
14.8° C
12.1° C
14.5 mm
68.8 mm
It was the joint lowest rainfall for April in the last 16 years and would
have been the lowest for any month if we had not had most of the rain
in the last two days. Most of the month was exceptionally warm
although temperatures dropped overnight. John Dobson.