Wednesday 10 June 2020

Virtual Fete. Where's Angela (and Bailey)?!

The Vicar writes: This time last year I was walking the Camino Way (only the last part) and I understand there was a competition to guess where I was 'on the map' en route to Santiago de Compostela during the afternoon of the fete. Similarly this year, whatever the weather, between 2pm and 4pm I will be out on a walk with our dog Bailey.           
But where? 
  • We won't use the car. 
  • We'll be walking not running. (ha-ha)!) 
  • We will leave The Vicarage at 2pm (and will be home by 4pm) but where will we be at 3pm? 

Send me an email (or send Andrew a text) anytime between 2pm and 9pm on Saturday 13th June with your guess of our 3pm location. You can use map co-ordinates if you like or simply give a description e.g. Crosscrake Church or halfway along Helmside Road. There's a prize for the closest guess! Andrew 07766 555 816.