Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Does our Village need Further Improvement?

 There are signs that the final section of Helm Lane resurfacing - between the Green and High House Farm - will be done soon. Marks have appeared on the carriageway and a public notice in 24 September's Gazette of a temporary road closure order includes approx. 300 metres of Helm Lane to be resurfaced over about two days at some time in the three months after 12 October 2020.

Helm Lane was the Parish Council's number one priority for resurfacing. When it's done, what should we push for next?

David Peters

Chair of Natland Parish Council.

Martin Jayne writes: it would be good to have a 20mph speed limit, especially on the Sedgwick Road starting at Appletree School.

Don Shore writes: Hawes Lane is a bit of a mess and could do with some improvement.