This is the Agenda for the meeting at 7pm on the 7th June by Zoom.
1. Attendance and Apologies
2. Public participation - to hear any observations or questions from members of the public (public participation is by arrangement with the Clerk - email or phone 07712-430932 and leave a message)
3. Declarations of Interest - to receive declarations by elected and co-opted members of interests in respect of items on this agenda.
4. Minutes - to agree and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 24th May 2021
5. Matters arising (not covered below)
6. Planning - to consider the following application:
SL/2021/0383 Land west of Sedgwick Road, Natland.
29 dwellings along with associated infrastructure.
7. Date of the next meeting:
(Provisionally Monday 28th June 2021 - venue to be agreed).