Monday, 24 July 2023

Oxenholme Lane to be dug up in August


A temporary road closure has been put in place to allow Cadent Gas to carry out utility works which are expected to commence 7th August 2023 and anticipated to take 2 weeks to complete.

Please see below details of the extents of the restriction and any alternative routes which may be in place, the relevant legal notice can be viewed at a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on via link 

Location: a section of Oxenholme Lane, Natland from its junction with Natland Road, extending in a north easterly direction for a distance of approx. 295 metres.

Alternative Route: A way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times and a suitable alternative route for vehicles will be signed and available via Oxenholme Lane, A65 and Natland Road.

Should you have any queries in relation to this temporary Order please contact the Highways Hotline by calling 0300 373 3306 or via the Westmorland & Furness Council website, quoting the reference TTRO/6194

Kind Regards

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Team

Thriving Places | Westmorland & Furness Council 

South Lakeland House | Lowther Street |Kendal |Cumbria | LA9 4UQ

Saturday, 22 July 2023

Women’s Institute Meeting

This month Amy Hield from Cumbria Action for Sustainability came to describe how we can ensure best use of energy in our homes. Contact Cafs for help and advice on insulation, energy bills, solar panels and more. 

We’re having a break in August, and in September Hilary Docker was coming to talk about Boxes of Hope. However this charity has had to disband after many years of providing Christmas boxes to poor children in Romania, because their tax has risen enormously since the UK left the E.U. Hilary has found another charity which may be able to fill the gap, and will come and talk about that. It’s on Wednesday September 20th at 7.30. All welcome.

Natland Parish Council to meet on Monday 31st July.

Here is the Agenda for Natland Parish Council’s next meeting.

Steam Train heading south on Tuesday

 On the 25th July 35018 British India Line will be southbound Oxenholme 16:00.

Pat Williams

Thursday, 20 July 2023

Natland Parish Council’s Accounts

 Here are all the financial statements which our Parish Clerk, Kevin Price, has put together to fulfil all the legal requirements demanded of the Parish Council. Click here to negotiate the red tape.

Saturday, 15 July 2023

Spud in a Bucket competition - result

 Alan Towler was the proud owner of the largest potato ,

Martin Evans was the adult winner of the largest crop and The Cochran Kids from Edinburgh had the children’s biggest crop. 

Thursday, 13 July 2023

Hazards on the A65

A sign which has appeared opposite Oxenholme Filling Station.

The lack of dropped kerbs at Castlesteads (see Minutes and On the Spot Report below)is being looked at as a result of the letter sent to them by Natland Parish Council and it is hoped that this issue may move along more quickly than some of the more major asks, such as a pedestrian crossing. 

The new Westmorland and Furness Council is busy assessing the needs of people in the South Lakeland Locality area, and then will assess the entire ask. Once collated it will be for the Locality board to agree priorities and allocate funding accordingly.

Sunday, 9 July 2023

The Minutes, and an On the Spot Report from Natland Parish Council Meeting on 26th June.

At the parish council meeting Cllr Ellison restated his intention to stand down as chairman at the end of the meeting.  To enable the council to continue, a new chairman must be elected at the beginning of the next meeting from the four new councillors and Cllr Clark.  No pressure there then. Here are the full Minutes of the meeting.

The main item discussed at the meeting was concerning traffic, roads, pavements and related safety issues.  Of great concern is the situation for residents of Castlesteads, especially those on mobility scooters, who face the perils of crossing the A65 exacerbated by lack of dropped kerbs and the poor condition of the inadequate footways.  A councillor in the know reported that these issues had been raised when Castlesteads was at the planning stage but had been ignored in the planning consent.  This seems to be a recurring theme for planning consents.

One could write a book about the road and traffic issues in the village with chapters on speeding, inconsiderate driving and parking, poor road surface and the second rate repairs made to such, flooding, Crow Park bridge, closure of roads, restricted visibility at junctions and obliterated road markings.  The council continues to report these issues but residents can report them directly to Westmorland and Furness Council Highways using this link.

 At the next meeting the council will decide whether to install the Speed Indicator Device and if so where.  Contact a councillor if you have any ideas on a location.

 Re-siting of the Parish Notice Board to a more convenient location came next.  The front runner suggestion seems to be on the now redundant bus shelter by the church gate or even demolishing the bus shelter and replacing with a Notice Board.

It was worth not nodding off for Financial matters for the one bit of fairly good news.  There is now £6,700 from the Community Infrastructure Levy.  This is the levy imposed on builders of a development and can be spent by the parish on infrastructure projects.  This golden egg is somewhat tarnished by the fact that Westmorland and Furness council get the lion's share.

The next meeting (election of a chairman permitting) is on Monday 31st July at 7pm in the Village Hall.  All welcome but no refreshments.    

  From K.S., our on the spot reporter.

Friday, 7 July 2023

Notes from the Parish Council

 Ian Ellison writes: I have been speaking to the Jones Homes workmen. They reckon that the site will not be completed until May 24-ish. Also, had to move a workman's van off the common land on the periphery of the village green.

Potholes are frequently the subject of complaints by parishioners. I usually point out that they can report them along with footpath problems, overgrown hedges, blocked drains/flooding, streetlighting and the like by googling the Westmorland and Furness Council web site, scrolling down to Highways and then to the sub-site. It is easy to use. Problems can be described and located on a map of the village. Photos can also be uploaded.

Thursday, 6 July 2023

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Weigh in for Spuds in a bucket

Bring along the spud you planted earlier in the year to see how it got on, and if you didn’t get round to planting one come along anyway to join in the fun.


Monday, 3 July 2023

Women’s Institute News

The speaker at last month’s meeting was Phillip Burley who gave a talk on the History of Puzzles involving quite a lot of audience participation which everyone enjoyed.

This month Amy Hield from Cumbria Action for Sustainability will be coming to describe how we can ensure best use of energy in our homes. The meeting is on Wednesday 19th of July at 7.30pm, and new prospective members are welcome to come along and try us out.

The competition is for a handmade shawl or scarf.

Extra Parish Council Meeting

 Click here for the Agenda.

Saturday, 1 July 2023

June’s Weather in Natland

We had no rain between 12th May and 9th June, so just short of a month. A heatwave in the middle of June brought temperatures above average. The second half of the month brought more normal conditions with some rain most days. John Dobson.