Thursday, 28 September 2023

Report from the last Parish Council meeting


The Parish Council now has a full complement of councillors and at the September meeting Mr Peter Smith was elected as Chairman.  

At last progress is being made on Highway and Traffic issues with some action to be reported.  Work on dropping kerbs on the A65 to enable crossing of the road by those residents of Castlesteads with impeded mobility has started.  Pressure will also be kept on the Highways authority to provide a safe crossing of the road with a lights controlled crossing and to address the difficult junction of Helmside Rd with Burton Rd and the poor visibility when exiting Helm Lane.  All these safety issues are exacerbated by the speed of A65 traffic.

Which leads on to the next bit of news.  Westmorland and Furness Council has passed a resolution that villages may now submit applications to introduce a 20mph speed limit.  While this may be a contentious issue for some, the council was united in wanting to pursue this option further and will submit a case for Natland to the Unitary Authority.  Proposed details for the new limits and the subsequent siting of the Speed Indicator Device will be decided at future council meetings; so keep an eye on meeting agendas posted on the Notice Board if you want to have your say.

Which is a good place for a reminder that the Parish Council Notice Board and a general board for villages events etc are located on the Village Hall wall.  And that's the end of the good news on highways issues – the repairs to Crow Park bridge have still not been done but we are promised they will be completed by the end of September!  Various other problems, mainly associated with excessive and overhanging greenery, are being pursued, but are complicated by ownership issues.

The council has for some time been concerned about the lack of affordable homes in the village and area in general.  Westmorland and Furness Cllr J Brook explained that the Unitary Authority was required within two years of its establishment, to publish a new Local Plan.  This will provide the opportunity to submit proposals covering affordable housing for locals and to hopefully control the spread of holiday rental properties or worse. 

The next meeting is on 23 October at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Click here for the full minutes for the 25th September.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Parish News for October

 For the full range of church and village activities taking place this month, click here.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Natland Parish Council, Agenda for next meeting.

There will be a Special General Meeting of Natland Parish Council at Natland Village Hall on Monday 25th September 2023 at 7pm, and the election of a new chair is top of the agenda.

This is to be followed by their regular agenda and an opportunity for the public to register concerns. It includes proposals to reduce the speed of cars passing through the village.

Click here for the full agenda.

Thursday, 14 September 2023

A History of Natland

 Click here for a very comprehensive history of Natland compiled by the Cumbria County History Trust.

Reduced Bus Fares for 5s to 20s


Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Cold to Cosy Homes

Cumbria Action for Sustainability is offering a free consultation to individuals or households where one person or more is 65 or older, amongst many other qualifying criteria. You can phone them to check if you are eligible.

If you qualify you can ask for advice over the phone or have a free home visit. As well as advising you about what you can do to insulate your home they can also check that you are not overpaying for your energy.

Apply online on or call 01768 216500

Reduced bus fares

 Westmorland & Furness are promoting:

Freedom to travel for less in Westmorland & Furness - The new reduced fare bus travel card for 5-20 year olds.  Whatever you’re into, the A2B NoWcard can get you there. If you are aged 5-20 and live in Westmorland and Furness, you can travel on local buses for up to £1.80 for a single journey or £3.00 return. Go anywhere in Westmorland and Furness and as far as Keswick, Carlisle and Lancaster for less.  Get an application form from your local library or download from

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Saturday, 2 September 2023

Natland’s Weather in August.

 Natland Weather Report.                       August 2023.            August Average.

                                                                            C.                                    C.

Temperature at 8am.                                     13.0                                 13.8

Average Minimum Temperature.                  12.0.                                12.1

Average Maximum Temperature.                 18.1.                                18.4

Rainfall.                                                          127.5mm.                       149.1mm.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

                                                                           5.1 ins.                             5.9 ins.


August was fairly average. Despite media gloom at the weather, we had less than average rainfall! Looks like it will improve as the schools re-open (as usual)! 

John Dobson.