Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Village Hall potholes to be filled in

The Parish Council has arranged to have the

potholes in the car parking area outside the Village Hall repaired on Monday 23rd December

The car park will be closed from 8:00am on the 23rd for the day. 

The contractor intends to maintain vehicle access to properties although this may have to be arranged with the work force on the day and some delay may be possible.  Pedestrian access will be available to the Village Hall and properties at all times.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Carols on the Green on Friday at 6.30

The brass band will be there, and after we have all sung heartily there’ll be hot (non alcoholic) punch, mince pies and biscuits. Traditionally we sing in church because it’s usually raining, but this year the forecast is for a dry evening…… ed.We’re going to sing together in the warm dry church again.

Sunday, 1 December 2024