Wednesday 27 April 2011

WI Update

At the opening of the April meeting of Natland & Oxenholme W.I., president, Marion Thornton
asked members to observe one minute of silence in memory of respected & committed member, Dorothy Standing.

Several events during the past month had been enjoyed by members, our delegate to the Spring Council meeting, Diana Dickinson, gave a comprehensive report of the County's affairs, and congratulations were expressed to Joan Airey, who has designed a card for the Royal Wedding!

As part of the National campaign 'Save our Trees', Kirsten Cannon & Marion Thornton have planted two oak trees on the Helm, in conjunction with, & helped by Judith Moore, from 'Friends of the Lake District' who had cleared a site & planted several more species

Kirsten Cannon & Dawn Ridgeway represented our Institute in the recent 'Reading Aloud' County Competition, gaining a credible third place. They read their chosen pieces of 'Prose' & 'Poetry' to our

Guest speaker, Alan Bobbett, gave an amusing account of his experiences as a contestant on the T.V. Quiz show, 'The Weakest Link' & gave a revealing insight into how the programme is put together.

The evening ended with a Quiz, individual members supplying the variety of questions. The winner was Elisabeth Chandler.

Next meeting is on Wednesday, 18th May' when Resolutions put forward for the National A.G.M. will be discussed.   

Visitors are always welcome.