Monday 18 July 2011

End of Term Newsletter

St. Mark’s Church of England Primary School

15 July 2011

NEWSLETTER No. 9 SUMMER 2011 (Excerpts)

End of Key Stage 2 Assessments (SATs) Results
We are really pleased with the results of Year 6 children in the national tests in English and Maths this year. 81% of children achieved Level 4 (the level expected) or Level 5 in English and 90% in Maths. 90% of children made the expected 2 levels of progress from Year 2 to Year 6 in English and in Maths. This is a vast improvement on last year’s results. Well done to all the children in Year 6  and the staff who have worked with them throughout their time at St Mark’s.

Summer Productions: Jonah and Bugsy Malone
This week has been a wonderful celebration of singing, dancing and acting with our two Summer Productions, Jonah and Bugsy Malone, going down really well with audiences throughout the week. We are grateful for all the extra work so many staff put into this experience and the support parents have shown. The staging is now packed away and things have returned to some sort of normality today !

End of Term: Thursday 21 July
The Summer term finishes on Thursday 21 July at 1.00 p.m.

Class Organisation 2011 - 2012
Below is information regarding class teacher allocation for each year group next year.
Reception: Mrs Thorne
Year 1:       Mrs Grant
Year 2:       Mrs Sansom (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays)
Mrs Yarker (Mondays and Thursdays) 
                   (Mrs Mukerji will be on maternity leave for most of the year)
Year 3:       Mrs Porter
Year 4:       Miss Sutton
Year 5:       Mrs Hamer (Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings
                   Mrs Whittaker (Wednesday afternoons, Thursdays and Fridays)
Year 5/6:    Mrs Burrow 

Summer Building Works
This summer the following work will be carried out in school:
·         Refurbishment of Key Stage 1 toilets.
·         Addition of toilet and wet area to Year 5 classroom.
·         Provision of additional staff toilet and changing facilities.

We return for the new school year at 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday 7 September.

Peter Barfoot
Headteacher (on behalf of the Governing Body)