Tuesday 19 July 2011

Natland & Oxenholme Village Hall

In this year's Annual General Meeting of the Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall Management Committee, Chair Ray Richardson drew attention to its continued good use, the majority of users having a connection with the village. Both halls need regular maintenance; recent work has included refurbishing the kitchen, re-painting and replacing the heating system.  It has now become apparent that the roof of the original building and the entrance hall needs repairing.  This will take place during the first two weeks of August at an estimated cost of £8,700, replacing timber where neccessary, re-using some of the slates and replacing the rest with new ones.

The poor state of the Village Hall roof
Where does the money come from?

Hall users and the Management Committee work hard to provide a regular income, with reserves to draw on for such large projects.  Events organised include the Quiz, Art Exhibition and Craft Fair, all well attended. The 200 Club provides a regular income, though numbers are down from last year.  Anyone wishing to join, and stand to win a cash prize each month (a modest amount, it's not Camelot!) can contact Midge Fairhurst, 01539 73172, or any member of the committee.  Your contribution to this important part of our community will be greatly valued. 

We also welcome any practical help, especially with setting up events - we are a rapidly ageing group of people!
Rhian Peters
Secretary, VHMC.