Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Meals-on-Wheels Farewell Event

Although Meals on Wheels is still available for those satisfying the current criteria, the meals are now delivered directly by the Kendal teams and the Natland team has been stood down.

Margaret Shore, who took over from Whin Inglesfield in organising the Natland round many years ago, hosted a garden party in August to thank the drivers and helpers, old and new, for their valuable service over the years.

Margaret was delighted that twenty-five volunteers, including Whin and some of her original team, were able to attend. It was a happy event, with much reminiscing about the many clients who had received the meals albeit tinged with sadness that the local involvement would no longer exist.

Many thanks to Margaret, too, for 26 years of making sure that the meals were delivered, three days a week, every week. It was a big commitment.   Elspeth Jayne.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Open Men's Meeting

And now, fibreglass chimneys!

I suppose the architects of Rowan Gardens think that the finials on the gable ends make the houses appear suitably rustic (there are no finials on any other house in Natland), but the last straw is surely the erection of false, fibreglass chimneys. This not 200 yards from Natland Hall with its wonderful Westmorland chimneys, and the village green surrounded by houses with a delightful variety of stone chimneys. This is architecture of the lowest common denominator, passed by SLDC, and is I fear the shape of things to come. But then SLDC is the planning authority which gave us the scandal of K-village.

John Inglesfield
17 Abbey Drive,
Cumbria, LA9 7QN

tel: 015395 61683
mobile: 07584 301868

Monday, 22 August 2011

Police Notice: Diesel Theft

Please be aware of diesel fuel theft in this area.
Please make sure you protect your fuel.
If you have any information that would assist the police please contact us
on 0845 33 00 247.
Sarah Blacow (Police, PCSO, Windermere)

Natland and Oxenholme Table Tennis Club

New Season Starts, Tuesday 30th August 2011, New Members Welcome
Did you know that there is an active table tennis club in Natland?  The club has been in existence now for over 30 years and is still going strong.  We:
  • Meet for general practice and coaching on our club night in Natland Village Hall on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 pm.  Our first session of the new season is on 30th Aug 2011. 
  • Have six teams playing in the local Kendal and District League, three in the first division, one in the second and two in the third.  For more information on the Kendal league, see
  • Run a junior coaching and fun session on Monday evenings, 6pm to 7pm, again in the Village Hall.
  • Organise club tournaments, a summer league, trips to international table tennis matches and various social or fund raising events.                                                                                    
If you are interested in playing table tennis, we would love to see you, so why not come along on Tues 30th August at 7.30pm or indeed on any Tuesday evening. New members are always welcome, any standard (and we can give coaching).

Please contact one of the people below if you want to learn more. 
Mick Taylor, Secretary, Compton House, Natland, 015395 60904
Bernard Pickthall, Chairman, Bradley Farm, Hincaster, 015395 60280
Harry Carter, Treasurer, 18 Cumberland Drive, Kendal, 07515 001454

M. Taylor, 21 Aug 2011

More steam trains up and down.

Monday 22nd of August 45305 Alderman A.E.Draper will be southbound through Oxenholme at 17-14.
Thursday 25th August, 70000 Britannia will be southbound through Oxenholme at 17-15.
Saturday 27th August, 70013 Oliver Cromwell with be northbound through Oxenholme at 10-38am.
Monday 29th August 70013 will be southbound through Oxenholme at 17-14.
Pat Williams.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Sedgwick Road Closure.

Sedgwick Road will be closed at the new housing development for 5 days from Monday August 22 to connect to services in the middle of the road.  Stagecoach will be notified and buses will be re-routed as earlier in the year. Timetables will inevitably be approximate, so please be patient!
Rhian Peters

Steam Train Coming Through

Both these trains may be different to the ones listed, also the times may change if a window is missed as service trains take precedence. These timings are not supplied by the tour operators.
Saturday 20th August 45305 Alderman A.E.Draper will pass through Oxenholme northbound 10.38. Or earlier if watering at Carnforth does not take place.
Monday 22nd August 45305 Alderman A.E. Draper will pass southbound through Oxenholme 17.14.
Just heard Princess Elizabeth derailed the tender in Crewe Heritage yard on her way out , so had a diesel substitute on Saturday.
Pat Williams

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Administrative Assistant required at St.Mark's Church

The Parochial Church Council of St.Mark's Church, Natland, wish to appoint an administrative assistant to work with the priest-in-charge and the clergy team. Initially this paid appointment will be for two hours per week, with flexibililty as to when the hours are worked. It would be desirable for the successful candidate to have had some administrative and/or secretarial experience/skills. It would also be desirable for the successful candidate to have some skills in word processing and spreadsheets. Application forms and a more detailed job description are available from The Rev'd Angela Whittaker. The forms should be returned to The Vicarage by 6th September 2011.
Rev'd Angela Whittaker, The VIcarage, Natland, LA9 7QQ
Tel. 015395 60355

Monday, 15 August 2011

The Fallen Remembered

John Chandler's evocative article entitled
 "Equally and Collectively: The Fallen Remembered"
which appeared on the old Natland News website is now back on-line via Natland News. 

Here, John remembers seventeen local individuals who gave their lives in the Great War with, where possible, brief details about them.

To find out more, click on The Fallen Remembered.

Don Shore

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Deadline for comments to SLDC on amendments to Land Allocations approaching

The new and alternative Land Allocations are summarised below.  To see full documents follow link to Natland Land Allocations. Comments are required by 9th Sept.

·        ON51# New 0.31 Small parcel of land north of the Vicarage, Natland Car Park - Guy Weller

·        RN256# New / Alternative 2.43 Land north of the Vicarage, Natland Housing, Car Park Leonard Home - David Peters

·        RN298# New / Alternative 1.14 Strip of land to East of Longmeadow Lane, Natland Housing Leonard Home

·        RN303# New 4.58 Land between Natland and Burton Road, Natland Housing JMP Architects Ltd

·        M2# Alternative 8.69 Land east of Burton Road, Kendal Housing for over 55 year olds with community and open space facilities - Diane Meakin

·        M5# Alternative 2.53 Land east of Burton Road, Kendal Housing for over 55 year olds with community and open space facilities - Diane Meakin

·        R653K# Alternative 0.30 Land at High Park, Oxenholme Housing - Brian Pullen

·        RN110# Alternative 1.26 Land off Oxenholme Road, Oxenholme Housing - Michael Turner

·        RN231# New 0.58 Castlesteads, SE Oxenholme Housing - Alastair Mackenzie

·        RN235# New 2.58 Parkwood Caravan Park, Oxenholme, Kendal, Housing - Paul Evans of Hyde Harrington Chartered Surveyors

·        RN253# New 7.06 Land East of Oxenholme Housing - Richard Turner and Son on behalf of Mr I Stewart

Comments have been made about the suggested car park north of the Vicarage as follows:

Guy Weller said... 

Since I posted the first suggestion on the list, I thought maybe some explanation would help: There has long been a short-term parking problem around the village green area - related to events at the church, village hall and the regular dropping off and collection of children from school and the nursery club. The problem is often quite short, maybe an hour or so at a time, before things are back to normal. What is needed is a small short stay car park close to the school / village hall. My suggested site is a small part at the edge of the large field immediately to the north of the vicarage, with an entrance by village hall and possibly a footpath exit could be arranged back onto Oxenholme Lane opposite the school. A car park situated here would be central enough to be used, and yet hidden from general view so it would not destroy the essential character of the village centre. A good hedge or small belt of trees could be planted to screen it from farmland to the north. This is just a suggestion for consideration, and would clearly need landowner /Trustee support but I propose it as I think it would be of considerable benefit, in a way that would not detract from the village character.
Jeremy Rowan Robinson of Little Lound writes:

There are a number of arguments which can be advanced against the proposed allocation of land to the north of Natland for housing and a car park and I intend to make these to the District Council in response to the current consultation and I hope others who are concerned will do so as well.   At this stage I propose simply to make a couple of points in response to Guy Weller.
First of all, as regards the proposed car park, the most serious problem with parking in the village (in terms of disrupting traffic flow) occurs, not around the church or the village hall, but for about 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon during term time outside the primary school.   It is caused by parents bringing their children to, or collecting them from, school.      The proposed car park would do little to resolve the parking problems at the school.   The parking is very short term and it is unlikely that many parents would sacrifice the convenience of parking in Oxenholme Lane for the opportunity to drive along the Lane and up past the village hall to the proposed site.   Furthermore, the access onto Oxenholme Lane would have to be shared with farm vehicles and would result in children (if they used the car park) having to cross the very busy Oxenholme Lane to get to and from school.   
The 3 households which are worst affected by the parking problem at the school are those immediately opposite.   We own one of them and we have no complaint because we knew about the problem when we bought the house.   We are prepared to put up with the inconvenience because we support the school and regard it as important to the village.   However, we object strongly to the proposal to allocate the land immediately behind us for what would be quite a large car park and the other 2 households feel just the same.   This would result in car parking both in front and behind us.   A car park would be an unsociable neighbour with noise from vehicles starting up and from banging of car doors, with disturbance on occasion from people leaving functions at the village hall and with nuisance from headlights on winter evenings.   One of the households has the childrens’ bedroom just feet from what would be the wall of the car park.   We already have to put up with quite a lot.   How about a bit of equity here?   Perhaps those promoting the car park would give some thought for those who would be affected.     
Secondly, It is a pity that those promoting the allocation of land to the north of Natland for housing and a car park did not first consult the wishes of the landowners.   It would have been a courtesy.   The draft allocations options document released earlier this year expressly states that a site will be excluded from the Allocations Document if the owner is not willing to release it and it cannot be made available.   That is for obvious reasons.  If the land cannot be made available, its allocation could blight neighbouring property.
In this case, the land in question forms part of Natland Park Farm and the owners have stated in response to this latest proposed allocation that they are not prepared to release the land.   It is not, therefore, available and arguments for and against the proposals are academic.   All that the promoters have achieved is to create dissension in the village and anxiety amongst the property owners most closely affected.

John Gale of Fieldgate says:
"I fully support the remarks made by Jeremy Rowan Robinson regarding the proposed developments north of Natland and would like to add the following of my own.
The land concerned is agricultural land and is, I am told, covenanted as such.   Furthermore, it is questionable whether a green field site such as this should be sacrificed to perceived local housing requirements, bearing in mind the large number of suitable properties already on the market (vide the local property paper).
Regarding the proposed car park, I would observe that access to it from the Village Hall car park would be over common land, which, by law, cannot be surfaced or ortherwise 'improved'.   This common land borders my property and forms a quiet cul-de-sac free from traffic (other than the very occasional farm vehicles) and is one of the reasons why I bought the property in the first place.  Opening it up to through traffic would destroy our tranquillity and that of our neighbours even more so." 

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Another Steam Train Coming Through

On Monday 15th August The Mersey Moorlander, 44932 a Black 5. will be southbound through Oxenholme at 17.14pm.                                                                          Pat Williams.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Featuring Features!

When Stephen and Elspeth took over running Natland's website, it was always the intention that, in time, many of the Feature pages on the old website would become available via Natland News.  That process has now started.  If you click on Features, you will see which items are now available and you can then follow through to view the ones you want.

The first items published are:

Natland's Caves & Treacle Mines

Natland Treacle Mines :  Fact and theory about the Treacle Mines
Natland Pipeline Cave : An exploration into the cave system
Helm Gate Cave : A possible link to the cave system
Barrows Green Cave :  A surprise opening to the system
Natland Treacle Tours! :  A village tour of the caves and treacle mines

Don Shore

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Steam Train Coming Through

On Saturday 13th August 46201 Princess Elizabeth will be northbound through Oxenhome at 10.38am.
Pat Williams

Monday, 8 August 2011

St. Mark's Church Magazine for August

The August edition is now available at the back of church for 60p. There are reports of things that have happened: the Encore Opera Extravaganza, the Teddy Bears Picnic, the Chester Cathedral Visit, the ordination of the Rev'd Anne Russell, the Push Youth Group summer outing, the Helm Group Family Fun Day and a farewell to Archdeacon George Howe. There are job opportunities in the parish, an invitation to think about becoming confirmed and information about Christian Aid.

Late comment in favour of preserving wild flowers.

Helm Lane in August
The country lanes look beautiful with all the lovely variety of wild flowers; they themselves encourage butterflies and insects and so the natural chain of events goes on to birds, hedgehogs etc., etc.,  Outside of peoples houses is always going to be controversial; different people having different ideas for different reasons.  Good luck with the vote.
The Reads.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

June Tower’s story now preserved in the National Maritime Museum.

Many people in Natland will have heard June’s story and will know something of her recollections of her engagement and marriage to Naval Officer John Treleaven. After only a year of marriage John was lost when the submarine HMS Affray sank in a training exercise, in 1951. She put the experience behind her as best she could. She subsequently married Julian Tower, had four children and eventually moved to Natland. However the memory of that earlier experience stayed with her.

She writes: About eight years ago I was told the new Australian director (Kevin Fewster)of the National Maritime Museum was going to change the ethos of the Archive Department slightly. He observed that the witness through letters of womenfolk and children had not been thought important, but their concerns are now considered in the 21st.century. That was the spur for me to write ‘Maritime Mail’, published 2009.                                         
          Now the story is part of an exhibition in the Voyager Gallery, Sammy Ofer Wing, in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.
         The party to celebrate the opening of the new Sammy Ofer Wing of the National Maritime Museum on July 12th. was a bit of a mad crush for me, as I sat in a wheelchair.  Speeches were made and the champagne flowed. Lord Sterling, the Chairman of the N.M.M. said that ‘Only that very day the Queen had announced that Greenwich was to be made a Royal borough.’ 

Then we whizzed up to the 4th.floor to see the Voyagers Gallery. This is where they have a “Word Wall”  30 metres long, with six themes. The National Maritime Museum had written to me in 2010 to say that my letters in the Archive came under love and devotion and would I mind if they used them in their display. ‘Delighted’, I had replied. My book was written to give the 75 men who died in the submarine Affray their recognition. So we walked along the wall until we came to the photos of June and John Treleaven, and Allan Tunningley’s article from the Westmorland Gazette: “Teenage bride’s book tells of love lost at sea.” 
Also there was a letter from HMS Vanguard, written by John, and then we saw that they were placed next to the letters that Nelson had written to Lady Hamilton.  My bottom lip wobbled a bit and Emma hugged me and said ‘I am so proud of you, Granny’. A small crowd gathered around us and I told them the story of HMS Affray.
It has been the perfect day, and 'my tragic love story' is now a piece of history.
June Tower © 27:07:11
‘Maritime Mail’, the anthology of letters written between June and John Treleaven,  is available from the back of the church and from Natland Post Office for £10. It is a fascinating read and also a useful primary source of social history.                       

Parish Council Minutes

The Natland Parish Council met on 25th July 2011, please follow link to... MINUTES

Margaret Cummins' Memorial Seat

Posted by Midge Fairhurst...

Margaret Cummins' Memorial Seat
A seat has recently been placed on the Helm  in memory of Margaret Cummins formerly of Abbey Gardens.   The plaque on the seat states "Margaret Cummins - 1932-2010 - from her friends - she loved the Helm".   Her many friends and family have contributed to the cost.

Margaret was an active member of many local organisations and was also Chairman of Natland Monday Club.   Whenever she had time she would walk on the Helm.

The seat is situated  approximately at SD53182  and anyone sitting on it has extensive views of Natland and the distant Lakeland hills all of which Margaret loved.   To find the seat either go straight up the hill from the gate adjacent to the A65 and then turn left when you reach George Holmes' seat and continue along the path at the side of the hill.   Alternatively leave the tarmac road at the car parking space midway between the A65 and the Station Inn and follow the right hand track to a cross roads of paths. Turn right here and the seat is about 100 yards further on.

Natland Village Hall - 200 Club Winners

Midge Fairhurst reports that the Lucky 200 Club Winners in August are

     1st             4
     2nd          33
     3rd           81

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Verge Strimming Favoured

The Natland News vote on whether or not the verges outside the houses within the village should be strimmed resulted in a majority in favour of strimming.

Of the 64 votes cast, 39 (nearly 61%) favoured strimming with 25 votes against.

Of course, this cannot be taken as totally representative of the whole village as not all residents are on the internet or viewing Natland News but it is perhaps indicative of a general feeling and something about which the Parish Council might wish to think.

Don Shore

Friday, 5 August 2011

Steam Trains Coming Through

On Saturday 6th August, 65305 Alderman A.E. Draper will be northbound through Oxenholme at 10.38. This is a provisional time and not confirmed.

On Monday 8th August 44932 Black Five will be southbound through Oxenholme at 17.14 pm.
Pat Williams.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

July Weather

John Dobson has provided the up to date July Weather Stats
                                                                             2011                   2010
Temperature at 8 am                                        14.4c                    13.7c
Minimum Temperature                                     11.0c                    N/A
Maximum Temperature                                     20.1c                    N/A

                                                                           mm        in            mm        in
Rainfall                                                               87         3.5           228       9.1
July was drier than in recent years and quite warm. We had one day when the maximum temperature reached 25c!

Natland Play Areas

Rhian Peters has submitted the following post to Natland News:
Over the last few months I have been surprised by the number of parishioners who perceive the need for a children’s playing field and who may not be aware of the facilities which have long existed at St Mark’s School.
The large field behind the school is suitable for rounders, cricket or just kicking a football about.  Overlooked by housing on Long Meadow Lane, it is a safe environment.  Robert Hughes Ltd, the developers of the former Holmes Nursery site have agreed to fund the provision of steps and rails in two locations on the slope leading up the to the field, making it safer and causing less erosion.  This work will start shortly. 

Adjacent to the field there is an attractive and well equipped adventure playground.  Opened in 2000, this was funded with generous support by Russell Armer, the developers of St Mark’s Fold, together with the Foundation for Sports and the Arts, and St Mark’s School PTA.  It’s an ideal place for parents and grandparents to take their charges to let off steam! 
These facilities are available out of school hours to children of the Church Parish (which includes Oxenholme) by kind permission of the Governors.  They are sadly underused.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

New Natland Land Allocations Controversy

SLDC has just published a list of new and alternative Land Allocations see summary below.  To see full documents follow link to New Land Allocations

The timescale for consultation is very short (29 July to 9 Sept) as was the 'preferred options' consultation earlier this year.  Don't be late!

·        ON51# New 0.31 Small parcel of land north of the Vicarage, Natland Car Park - Guy Weller

·        RN256# New / Alternative 2.43 Land north of the Vicarage, Natland Housing, Car Park Leonard Home - David Peters

·        RN298# New / Alternative 1.14 Strip of land to East of Longmeadow Lane, Natland Housing Leonard Home

·        RN303# New 4.58 Land between Natland and Burton Road, Natland Housing JMP Architects Ltd

·        M2# Alternative 8.69 Land east of Burton Road, Kendal Housing for over 55 year olds with community and open space facilities - Diane Meakin

·        M5# Alternative 2.53 Land east of Burton Road, Kendal Housing for over 55 year olds with community and open space facilities - Diane Meakin

·        R653K# Alternative 0.30 Land at High Park, Oxenholme Housing - Brian Pullen

·        RN110# Alternative 1.26 Land off Oxenholme Road, Oxenholme Housing - Michael Turner

·        RN231# New 0.58 Castlesteads, SE Oxenholme Housing - Alastair Mackenzie

·        RN235# New 2.58 Parkwood Caravan Park, Oxenholme, Kendal, Housing - Paul Evans of Hyde Harrington Chartered Surveyors

·        RN253# New 7.06 Land East of Oxenholme Housing - Richard Turner and Son on behalf of Mr I Stewart

Monday, 1 August 2011

To Strim or Not To Strim

Don Shore has come out of semi-retirement to enhance further the communication tools of Natland News.  Using his technical skills he has added a brand new polling section. Just look on the right hand side and leave your vote on To Strim or Not To Strim. 

The vote ends on Saturday and the result will be published shortly after - so far 68% in favour of Strimming.

Diamond Jubilee Natland Village Green

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrates 60 years of the Queen’s reign. Celebrations will be held across the UK during the first week of June in 2012. Many people will have a day off work or school to celebrate the bank holiday on June 5, 2012. 

Natland will join in these celebrations as the Parish Council has approved a request from St Marks Council to use the Village Green for events to celebrate this very special occasion.

Champion Found

Following Natland Parish Councils appeal through Natland News for a Broadband Champion  .  John Johnstone has offered his services.  John says............

" I moved to Natland in 1988 and worked for Provincial until 1997, managing their PC and networking department. Since then, I have worked as a freelance IT Project Manager, mainly in the telecoms industry. Working with providers such as BT and Cable & Wireless, I have delivered major telecoms projects for blue-chip and government organisations, both in the UK and Asia.

As I am largely home-based, I need a reliable and fast broadband connection with which to conduct my work. In addition, most of my family make use of internet-based social networking and media streaming facilities (especially the younger generation!), which demand more and more bandwidth as time goes on.

My comments on the service that is currently provided by the Sedgwick exchange are unprintable! Like most rural users, I’m eager to enjoy the benefits that the Government’s Digital Britain initiative aims to provide, assuming that these are delivered as promised …"