Saturday, 2 March 2013

Committed Villager

A very committed villager has cleaned all the accumulated debris from the foot path which runs out of the village alongside the Sedgwick Road.  This was heavy work and he did it all himself.   We don’t know his name but would like to recognise the work and record out thanks.  As he pointed out it was not just restricting the path but over time weeds would have grown in it and broken up the tarmac.    Thanks again.

Peter and Jean Wood

Well done to the public spirited (anonymous) person who valiantly cleared encroaching vegetation from the edges of the Sedgwick Road footway, making it much more pleasant to use! Let's hear it for voluntarism in Natland!
Rhian Peters

Many, many thanks to the person who carried out this work. I used the footpath today (Monday) and was hugely impressed by its cleanliness and the lack of overhanging foliage!
C Minahan