Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The Fate of the Fete

Can anyone remember when we did not have a Church summer fete? The sun shines, the band plays, everyone has a good time and the church reaps the financial reward (usually about £2,000) which it has needed in recent years to help keep the church solvent.
The fete has many positives but also a few problems. Over 50 people were involved working in one way or another on the day at the fete. It can be hard work for many of the same old (and getting older) faces who have helped for many years. The task of being “organiser in chief” has become onerous. Are we in a rut? Many things are done “because we have always done them that way” and most people like the familiar.
 Should we change? If we are to continue with the fete should we make minor or major changes and if so what? Should we replace it with one or more different events? If so what and will they provide the same social and/or fundraising results? Whatever we do how should these events be organised and who will do the organising. John Chandler has indicated after three years of involvement he wishes to take a step back from his level of commitment given his other roles including treasurer. Do we need an organising committee rather than leaving most of the organising to one person?
The social and fundraising committee of the PCC wants to get input from all those who have, have had, or may in the future have an interest in the fete. There will be a meeting on Tuesday 8th October at 7.30 in the vestry. Please come along and have your say. We are having the meeting now rather than in the spring so that we can plan ahead for next year. If you cannot be there feel free to send me your thoughts in advance.

Collin Mansfield
Social and Fundraising Committee