Thursday, 27 August 2015

Massed Male Voices in Natland!!

Saturday, September 12th 
St. Mark's Church, Natland. 
Joint concert with K Shoes Male Voice Choir of Kendal

We are delighted to welcome back the K Shoes Male Voice Choir with their guests from Mill House Green in Derbyshire. Two choirs for the price of one. What more could you ask for. Tickets on sale for £8.00 (under 16’s free) at church on Sunday mornings or pay on the door; 7.30 start.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Schoolday memories shared at August’s WI

This month’s WI meeting was great fun, with members sharing their experiences of schooldays and trying to identify each other’s childhood photographs in a competition won by Pat Dodgson. Reports were also given of a busy June and July including visits to Buckingham Palace, Sizergh Castle, Windermere, Heysham Power Station and the zip wire at Bendrigg Lodge!

The next meeting on 16 September at the Village Hall will feature a talk by Carol Marsden entitled ‘Is it true, Miss?’. Visitors are always welcome.

You can read or download the full report of the August meeting here.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Village Hall Coffee Morning

Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall Committee are holding a Coffee Morning
on Saturday 5th September 10am – 12 noon

See the new inviting décor in the large hall, with acoustic panels for better sound
Find out more about Village Hall activities and have a chat with friends and neighbours

Coffee/tea and biscuits £1

Proceeds to Village Hall funds
(Registered Charity 523072)

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Your MP's summer tour

Local MP Tim Farron will be touring villages in his constituency over the next 2-3 weeks.  The timetable includes a slot 9-9.30am on Wednesday 26th August at Natland Post Office.  Other venues and times are listed on the poster outside the PO.   This is an opportunity to bring any issues to his attention.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Changes to 41/41A bus service.

Stagecoach will be making changes to their network of commercially provided town bus services in Kendal from 14 September.
Services 41/41A will all now run to/from Kendal Bus Station, and will no longer serve the stops on Stricklandgate. Passengers on Service 41/41A can also alight at the Shakespeare Hotel
The Commercial team at Stagecoach have said it would be possible for passengers to board the 41/41A at Shakespeare Hotel, for onwards travel on the 43 which the vehicles run on to.
Click here for timetable.
Mark Hodgkiss 
Scheduled Bus Services Officer | Integrated Transport 
Environment  and Community Services | Cumbria County Council 
Parkhouse Building | Kingmoor Business Park | CARLISLE  | CA6 4SJ
t : 01228 226433 
f : 01228 226755 
e :\buses

Barbara Colley - - from Kadbus writes:

I'm writing now because Stagecoach are intending to make changes that could affect you and many others, by making greater use of the bus station and other stops instead of the Stricklandgate boarding and alighting points.  This is due to start in September and, although we should have had the opportunity to comment or be consulted, this has not happened and the application has already been accepted by the Traffic Commissioner on the basis that this is needed to avoid late running.
The only course of action left to us is to seek improvements to the walking route between Stricklandgate and the bus station i.e. through the Westmorland Shopping Centre.  If there is to be increased footfall, this could be an inducement to SDLDC and the private owners to make the mall both more attractive and accessible, which it currently is neither.  There should be scope for a partnership role for our group if we can find any potential source of community funding for the two aspects most requiring upgrading 1. enclosure of the open trafficked route on Level 3 and 2. an escalator between the mall and the bus station.
If you think this idea is worth exploring, will you please respond by writing to the press, councillors and any other relevant people you know.  Stagecoach say that their only alternative would have been to reduce the frequency of the services to hourly ones, but the underlying cause is we know the failure over years to overcome the growing traffic congestion in Kendal by implementing proposals like the new bridge or northern bypass.

Monday, 3 August 2015

July Parish Council minutes published

The July meeting of the Parish Council was a very quiet one, with Cllr David Peters taking on the role of Chair and Cllr John Bateson as Vice Chair, following Cllr Lois Sparling’s resignation as Chair at the end of June. There are now two vacancies on the council. The minutes are available to read or download here.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

July: Not as wet we think!

Average temperatures

Temperature at 8am13.5C15.2C
Min temperature11.7C14.0C
Max temperature17.4C20.5C
Total rainfallmminmmin

July started very hot but then cooled off rapidly. We did not have a lot of rain but it was spread over the month giving the feeling that it had been a wet month.
John Dobson

Agenda for July Parish Council

The agenda and papers for this week’s Parish Council meeting are now available to read or download here. Apologies for the delay.