Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Development application on Longmeadow Lane

The controversial application to build 55 houses on the east side of Longmeadow Lane has now been put before South Lakeland District Council for their consideration.   The file can be seen on this link to the SLDC website. It includes the most recent response from Natland Parish Council. The application reference number is SL/2017/0318.

Heavy Rain in Natland

On Saturday we had a shower of rain so I took my camera out to get a few pics to show SLDC and Oakmere what happens when it rains in Natland. If anyone has any water experiences last Saturday please drop me a note to 2 Abbey Gardens.                                                                                                                                              Collin Mansfield.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

The 'Milli' Youth Choir is coming to Natland

The Kendal Millenium Youth Choir first drew breath in September 2000 and its members are drawn from young people from 8-18 years of age, from Kendal and the surrounding areas. Led by well known local musician Tracie Penwarden, the group is trained in rehearsal, workshops and residential weekends. They will perform a range of songs for a summer evening.

Thank you from Christian Aid

Greetings from Christian Aid partners
 in Burundi
Natland, parts of Oxenholme, The Oaks, The Beeches, and this year Strawberry Fields as well, have come up trumps in donating money to Christian Aid via all the volunteer collectors who came out last week. They collected £2,114, with an extra £215 due back from gift aided donations. An additional  £428 was raised at the Coffee Morning.Thank you very much to everyone who gave so generously. With your action this Christian Aid Week you will be making things better these coming months and years. Better for refugees, better for farmers coping with climate change, better for people living in conflict, better for thousands of people suffering from failed crops and famine. Thank you. Elspeth Jayne.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Monday Club Annual Outing

Members will be meeting on the 19th June for their Annual Summer Event which, this year, will be lunch at the Netherwood Hotel, Grange.

The 2017-2018 season will begin on Monday 18th September 2017.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Plants for sale

There are plenty of plants for sale in or near the porch at St. Mark's Church; if you have a few gaps left in the flower border they're definitely worth a look. They have been grown locally so they will survive our weather reliably.

Agenda for the next meeting of Natland Parish Council

The Parish Council are having another annual meeting on the 30th May but this time just for elected members - though there is a slot for public participation. Click here for the full agenda.

Roadworks start soon.

Here is a map of the extent of the resurfacing which will be happening shortly. Helm Lane is the only road leading off the Village Green which won't be resurfaced.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Natland and Oxenholme W I Meeting

17 May 2017
President Kirsten Cannon welcomed 29 members including 2 new members to the monthly meeting.

The speaker was Sarah Brown from St John’s Hospice who gave an illustrated talk on the services  that St John’s Hospice provides to patients with life limiting conditions and their loved ones throughout North Lancashire, South Cumbria and North Yorkshire.  Elaine Close gave the vote of thanks.

Doris Aldworth then led the members through a consideration of two resolutions:

1. Alleviating loneliness
2. Plastic Soup – keep micro plastic fibres out of our oceans.

Both resolutions were carried.

The competition for a plate of 4 scones was won by Dorothy Goddard with Kirsten Cannon in second place.

The monthly raffle was won by Heather Harkness.

Date of next meeting is June 21st at 7.15pm in Natland Village Hall when the guest speaker Jacqueline McDonald will speak on Her Travels and Folk Singing.

Steam train a'comin.

On Saturday 20th May 46115 the Scot's Guardsman will be northbound through Oxenholme at 11.40. Pat Williams.

Coffee Morning and Plant Sale

Christian Aid COFFEE MORNING and 
Saturday 20th May
in Natland Village Hall, 10am -12 noon. 

Thank you to everyone who came and bought. £428 was raised for Christian Aid projects.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Natland Annual Parish Meeting..

The small Village Hall was full for the Annual Parish Meeting. Here are some of the items of immediate interest prior to the publication of the full report.

The Chairman, David Peters, told us that he had just received an email from Henry Hornyold Strickland who owns the Natland and Oxenholme side of  Helm to say that he intends to sell it. He hasn't said whether the Village Green and any other common land he owns is for sale.

The planning application behind Longmeadow Lane came under discussion last night, though there was no one there from Oakmere Homes

This notice applies to the Village Green area and possibly outside the school as well, though and not to Helm Lane, we learned from Brenda Gray, our local district and county councillor. It is one of the works that have been scheduled some years in advance and has finally come up for attention. Damaged surfaces such as those on Helm Lane can't be done at the same time because they haven't been scheduled long enough. 

Peter Barfoot, Headmaster of Natland School, informed us that someone had been on the roof of the school recently and damaged two skylights, and to be on the lookout for this sort of behaviour.

Many favourable reports were received including ones from Appletree School, St. Mark's Primary School and from James Harkness who is proceeding happily with alterations to the shop.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Celebrating 50 years of St. Mark's Church of England Primary School

Calling all staff, children, parents, local residents and friends of the school past and present . . .
Everyone is invited to join us for tea and cakes on
Friday 9th June
from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m.

There will be guided tours of the school building – come along and see how it has changed over the years.
Any memories, anecdotes, photographs and memorabilia we can borrow would be greatly appreciated.  Please contact the school office for more information. Telephone: 015395 60719. e-mail: admin@st-marks.cumbria.sch.uk  website: www.stmarksschoolnatland.co.uk 

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Concert by Birdsong.

Four members of the Pro Nobis Singers will be presenting a short informal concert in St. Mark's Church on Sunday 21st May at 3pm. They will perform well-known pieces by Simon and Garfunkel  as well as madrigals and music by Handel, Brahms and others. There will vocal items as well as organ solos. There will be light refreshments and a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Final agenda for the APM

You can now download the final agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Thursday 18 May 2017 at Natland Village Hall at 7.30pm by clicking here. All welcome!

Tell the District Council how you feel.

This is an Important Reminder that previous comments sent to Oakmere Homes about their pre-application consultation in Feb/March 2017 will not be revealed to SLDC when its Planning Committee considers the current planning application.

So if you want the Planning Authority to be aware of your views you must send them afresh to SLDC by 25 May 2017 as stated on the site notices.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Come and Try Yoga on Monday 22 May

Monday afternoon Yoga Classes will begin at 3pm on Monday 22 May at the Village Hall with a Taster Class open to anyone, starting with seated exercises which can be modified to suit those who have recently had hip or knee replacements.

You can read more about the class here.

Minutes of the May Parish Council meeting

The draft minutes of the NPC Meeting on Monday 1 May have now been published and can be read or downloaded here.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Christian Aid Week; house-to-house collection and Coffee Morning.

It's Christian Aid Week from the 14th to the 20th May, so you will soon be receiving a big red envelope through the door to be collected a day or two later by a volunteer for Christian Aid. Christian Aid started its existence in 1945 to help refugees, and this year finds it still needs to help them. Christian Aid helps to improve the lives of people who are living close to survival and also in emergency situations. Please give generously.                                 
You are also invited to a
Christian Aid COFFEE MORNING and SPRING PLANT SALE on Saturday 20th May
in Natland Village Hall, 10am -12 noon. 
There will be stalls with cakes and produce, a bring and buy, a raffle and a exhibition of the work of Christian Aid. Admission free.                                               Elspeth Jayne

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Monday Club quiz and AGM

On the 15th May the Annual General Meeting of the Monday Club will be held on the 15th May at 2pm in the Village Hall. This will be followed by a quiz arranged by Kirsten Cannon. Refreshments and book stall to follow.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Flattened Planter on Village Green

This sad sight is due to a misjudgment on the part of a lorry delivering turf to one of the houses beyond the Village Hall, I am reliably informed. (ed.) There was an accident on Oxenholme Lane recently as well when two cars collided on a narrow part.

Monday, 1 May 2017

There were few April showers in Natland

                                                2017                   2016
Temperature at 8 am                7.0c 5.5c
Minimum Temperature             3.9c 3.7c
Maximum Temperature           12.1c                 9.8c
                                            mm      in            mm  in
Rainfall                           15.5        0.6           115.5      4.6
This was the joint second lowest rainfall in any month since I started
recording. The lowest ever was Sept 2014 with 8mm.It was quite warm
during the day but not always sunny. John Dobson