Saturday, 30 March 2019

Parish News for April

You can find out about everything that is happening in St. Mark's Church in April and over Easter, by clicking on this link.

W.I. Coffee Morning

There will be a Coffee Morning on Saturday 13 April at 10am – 12 noon in the Village Hall, Natland.  Tickets are priced at £1 and the event will have an Easter theme. 
Proceeds will be shared between the W.I. and the Village Hall.
Click here for the Report of the W.I. meeting in March.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Natland Spring Litter Hunt 2019

The fourteenth Spring Litter Hunt since the Natland Parish Plan of 2004 proposed its re-introduction took place on Saturday 23 March 2019.  After a wet week a cold front passed over late on Friday giving a fine weekend – not too cold and not too windy.  21 volunteers turned out in the morning (compared to 26 last year and 14 the year before) which was just enough to allocate all the picking ‘zones’.  So by lunchtime the job was done!

There was noticeably less litter this year with fewer ‘black bags’ stacked at the pick-up points for SLDC to collect.  This may be due to fewer offenders (we live in hope!), the cumulative effects of the annual Litter Hunt over the years, SLDC operatives tidying the areas around the litter bins, and also informal picking during the year by public-spirited but anonymous individuals when they spot a problem area.  That needs to be encouraged.  The Parish Council has a small stock of picking tongs, high-visibility waistcoats, gloves and bags that people can borrow for such ad hoc volunteering.

No exciting discoveries this year, which is good.  There are still ‘no go’ eyesore areas such as Helm Sink (over the wall by the A65 lay-by) and the old mill leat beside Natland Mill Beck Lane.  A challenge for the future, perhaps?

Thanks go again to SLDC for providing equipment and taking the bags and heavier items to tip, and to the public-spirited volunteers who were: Hilary Atkinson, Andrea Booth, Mary and Michael Clark, Ellie and Rupert Grover, Barbara and Stephen Hitchcock, John Houghton, John Inglesfield, Robert Inglesfield, Jenny Kelly, Dennis Pook, Sarah Roberts, Judith Robinson, Don Shore, Ian and Deb Sutherland, Ann Taylor, Richard and Lynne White.  Well done all of you!

David Peters
Natland Parish Councillor


Monday, 18 March 2019

Agenda for the Natland Parish Council Meeting. 25/3/19

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 25th March at 7pm in the Village Hall. There will be discussions about the forthcoming annual meeting and about recruiting new members to fill the three vacancies. Full agenda.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Art Exhibition Result

The Art Exhibition at the village hall raised over £800 for hall funds. The management committee would like to thank all those who helped to make this event a success - all the visitors, volunteers in the run up to and during the event, and most especially the participating artists without whom the Exhibition  could not happen.
The picture which topped the visitors 'My favourite' poll, was George Thompson's ' Skipton Canal'.


Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Monday Club Meeting

The next meeting of the Monday Club for over 50s will be in the Village Hall on the 18th March at 2.00pm when the speaker will be Pat Ascroft. She will speak on Crewing on Tall Ships.

Tea and biscuits to follow and an opportunity to view the Book Stall. New members always welcome.

Monday, 11 March 2019

John Denver Takes a Rest

Many readers will have attended Chris Bannister’s concerts in Natland Church or in the Town Hall or other venues when he has performed the songs made famous by John Denver.

Chris has other talents. He was once a choir boy and he has an excellent singing voice. He loves performing in St Mark’s Natland because of the wonderful acoustics. Last time he was here he realised he needed no amplification and sang without a microphone.
As well as singing John Denver’s songbook as a professional musician for many years Chris also performs music made famous by other artists and also writes and performs his own material. So on Saturday 6th April you will have the opportunity to hear Chris in Natland Church performing some of his own songs and also some classics made famous by the likes of Johnny Cash, Steve Earle and even Dolly Parton! He might just slip in a couple of John Denver songs for old time’s sake!

Tickets can be bought at Natland Post Office for £10.00, or from or pay on the door.

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Natland Spring Litter Hunt.

Saturday 23 March 2019

Volunteers are needed at the Village Hall from 10am* or 2pm† (morning and afternoon sessions),
(*between 9.30am and 10.15am will help shorten the queue) (†if any areas are still unpicked)

We will provide (or you can bring your own) sacks, gloves, picking tools and high-visibility waistcoats, and suggest where you might pick. 

Thanks to well-behaved residents and public-spirited volunteers, Natland is a fairly tidy village.  But litter along the outlying lanes can be an eyesore. Last year’s successful litter hunt left the Parish looking noticeably better, but now it needs doing again.

Why not come and help for an hour or two?

Natland Parish Plan – making Natland a better place, a Natland Parish Council project.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Art Exhibition this weekend

The Annual Art Exhibition will be held in Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th March. The event will showcase local talent, allow opportunities to buy pictures,  and benefit Village Hall funds.

The Exhibition will be open to the public on the Saturday from 10am to 4pm and on Sunday from 11.30am to 4pm. There will be a raffle with many lovely prizes. Admission £1. Tea/coffee and home-made cakes will be on sale in the small hall. (If you can donate a cake your contribution will be gratefully received at any time during the exhibition).

Pandora’s Handbag Cancelled

The concert that was going to happen next Saturday evening in the church is, sadly, no longer going to happen, because one of the group has been taken ill. Sorry to disappoint everyone who was looking forward to it.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Keys Found

A set of keys has been found in a field off Hawes Lane. Contact Kendal Police Station if you think they might be yours. They were handed in by Cindy Hughes.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Natland Parish Council Meeting, February Minutes.

The Parish Council continues its sterling work of protecting the village from flooding. It is putting in a word at the Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme discussions, trying to sort out flooding issues on the Village Green and trying to get our gullies unblocked. Click hear for more details.

Friday, 1 March 2019

February’s Weather Stats.

Temperature at 8 a.m.
3.4° C
2.75° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
2.4° C
1.86° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
7.9° C
5.69° C
108.5 mm
February started cold but the second half of the month made it above average overall. Rainfall was slightly above average despite the dry week at the end of the month. John Dobson.