Friday, 31 May 2019

Damage to the Trees on the Village Green

Things can get out of hand......
Trees on the Village Green are being damaged by people climbing them. Click here for more details.

Comment from Rhian Peters:
Five of these had been hammered/ screwed into the oak tree.  This was on the ground where it might have injured someone.  Also a claw hammer nearby. 

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Parish Council Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held in May are available here.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Age UK South Lakeland Lunch

You are invited to come along to St Mark's Primary School on Thursday 20th June at 1.30pm for lunch. Be waited on by the children and enjoy a delicious meal for only £3.00. Places are limited, so to book or cancel a place, please ring the Age UK helpline on 01539 728118 by the 13th June. This event is in partnership with St. Mark's Church and St. Mark's School.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Parish News for June available

There are plenty of things going on in June, including the welcome return of Angela, our priest, and the arrival of our new curate, Craig Bentley. Click here for all the church news.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Christian Aid Collection - Result

It's good to be able to report that £2,180.65 has been raised this Christian Aid Week in Natland, The Oaks and parts of Oxenholme. 

THANK YOU to everyone who gave so generously. It's so good to feel that so many people round here have compassion for people far away, living in such different circumstances.  Elspeth Jayne, Voluntary Christian Aid Organiser.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Parish Council Annual Meetings

The Parish Meeting for Natland was last Thursday, 16th May, in the Village Hall, and proved to be a good opportunity to find out about things that are happening in the village. For one thing, we don't have regular meetings with a friendly local bobby anymore, because of funding cuts. None of the councillors who are also district councillors were there, possibly because their affiliations are a bit divided over the issue of parish boundaries. There is talk of The Beeches becoming part of Kendal, including the old K Shoe Factory and Watercrook, and also Rochester Gardens and the new development of supported accomodation at the end of Helm Lane. If Oxenholme succeeds in its bid to be a separate parish from Kendal, the latter two developments would be in Oxenholme. 

There were reports from St. Mark's School and Appletree School as well as other Parish Institutions and Groups. Appletree School reported successes in re establishing many of its children into society and its association with St. Mark's School was very instrumental in this. The head teacher of Appletree School also registered appreciation of the villagers who, on seeing his pupils doing a litter pick in the village, joined in to help. 

Fuller reports will follow but in the meantime another Annual Meeting will take place this time mainly for Councillors. It's in Natland Village Hall on Friday 24th May 2019 at 7pm, when the Chairman will be elected and possibly also a Vice-Chairman. The public can come but they can't vote. Agenda

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Village Hall Annual Meeting

If you missed the Annual Meeting of the Village Hall, you can reassure yourself that the Committee is continuing to do a great job by reading the Chair's Annual Report and the  Accounts.

Monday, 13 May 2019

Inquiry into refusal of new homes off Natland Mill Beck Lane

The Westmorland Gazette reports there will be a public inquiry in July into SLDC’s refusal of planning permission for the above development. Click here for details.

Friday, 10 May 2019

Monday Club AGM

The Annual General Meeting will be held int he Village Hall on 20th May 2019 at 2pm followed by a quiz, kindly arranged by Kirsten Cannon.
Tea and biscuits. Bookstall. (Nominations to Secretary by 6.5.19.)

Monday, 6 May 2019

Annual Parish Meeting

Natland Parish Council invites parishioners to the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting on Thursday the 16th May at 7.30 in the Village Hall. Here is the Agenda.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Christian Aid Week, Coffee Morning and Spring Plant Sale

You are invited to a
in St. Mark’s Church, Natland
10.30am -12 noon. 
There will be stalls with spring plants and produce, a bring and buy and a raffle. 
Admission £1.50 includes coffee/tea and biscuits.
£356.30 was raised at this event. Thanks everybody who came along.

Tenneh and baby Ansumana receive care from nurse Judith
at the community clinic. Photo credit Christian Aid/Tom Pilston

This year for Christian Aid Week the focus is on childbirth in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is the world’s most dangerous place to become a mum. For example, Nurse Judith, pictured here in the village of Serula, works around the clock to meet the needs of mums and young children who come to the clinic. But the need is great, and sometimes she’s forced to send people away. When women come to the clinic at night, she uses a torch.  In addition to this, there are often not enough drugs at the clinic. Judith sees diseases like malaria and typhoid, especially in children. She has to go on a motorbike or sometimes walk for three hours to collect drugs. Women are dying from childbirth, children under five are dying, because of poverty. 
Please take the opportunity to help by putting money into the red envelope that your neighbour will deliver shortly. It will be collected later that week, or it can be left at the Vicarage, or find out more and donate via the Christian Aid website,  Elspeth Jayne, CAW organiser.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

April in Natland

April average
Temperature at 8 a.m.
6.7° C
6.51° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
5.4° C
4.75° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
13.6° C
11.96° C
58 mm
69.53 mm
April started cold with snow on 3rd but was very warm for Easter. We ended up with slightly above average
temperatures for the month. As usual (for April) it was quite dry. John Dobson.