Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Craig is About to Leave Basecamp

As many of our readers will recall our intrepid curate Craig Bentley
volunteered back in the early autumn of 2020 to climb the church tower of St Mark's 500 times in a week to raise funds for St Mark's and for the International Nepal Fellowship. Little did he realise that at the end of March 2021 he would still be in training and waiting to make a start.

Well, the 18th January came and went in “Lockdown 3” and a new date had to be set for the third attempt at the ascent. Surely Bonington, Hinkes, Hillary, Tensing et al did not have to wait so long to embark upon an attempt at Everest?

The new start date is Monday 26th April and he is aiming to “summit” on Sunday 2nd May. 

The good news is that the amount raised has now reached over £2,500.00 which hopefully will grow “exponentially” once Craig finally gets underway.

As before please tell all your friends and family about this event. Thank you to those who have already made a financial contribution. If you have not already done so and would like to contribute this can be done in several ways..................

 Via the Just giving page at

Text 70085 to Craig which will donate £5.00 or you can specify another amount.

Once again A huge thank you in advance from Craig and all his Sherpas for all the support of any kind that you can offer to make his incredible efforts seem worthwhile.