Friday, 23 December 2011

Carol Singing on the Village Green

 Many Natlanders and their friends and relatives met together on the village green for carols round the tree tonight, accompanied by Kendal Concert band and interspersed with cracking (well, cracker) jokes from the vicar. Then we went into church for mince pies and mulled wine. 
This is due to become an annual fixture since a permanent socket for a Christmas tree has been made in the village green out of a large pipe and concrete, complete with a safety cover, all the work being done generously by local firms for free.

On Christmas Eve there is a Christingle Service to suit all ages at 4pm and Midnight Communion at 11.30. 

On Christmas Day there is a 9am Holy Communion Service and a 10.15am Family Christmas Service.

Police News Letter

Please follow the link for the November and December Police News Letter

Women's Institute: report of the December meeting

     President, Marion Thornton welcomed 30 members and a visitor to the December meeting of Natland and Oxenholme W.I.

     Kirsten Cannon introduced  the Candlelight evening, when several members each recalled a story from their past, highlighting it with a favourite piece of music. Members then enjoyed  a glass of mulled wine and cake  before the close of the meeting.

     The christmas parcel competition was won by Joan Airey,  the parcels are to be distributed to the residents of Riverside House, Kendal.
     The next meeting is about 'Countryfile'. The speaker will be Stephen Lockwood and it will be on the 18th January at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

     Visitors always welcome.

Thursday, 22 December 2011


The Natland News Team
Elspeth, Don and Stephen

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Temporary Reprieve for Village Bus Service

The 552 will now be running according to its existing timetable until probably the 13th February, regular passengers will be pleased to hear. For more information - watch this space.                             Ann Parnham

Friday, 16 December 2011

Christmas Services at St.Mark's Church

East window in St. Mark's Church
Tuesday 20th December
5.30pm    Carol Singing in Oxenholme
6.30pm Carol Singing at Oxenholme Station
7.30pm Carol Singing at the Station Inn 

Friday 23rd December
6.30pm   Carol Singing on Natland Village Green
followed by mince pies in church
Christmas Eve
4.00pm    Crib and Christingle Service
11.30pm Midnight Communion

Christmas Day
 9.00am    Holy Communion
10.15am    Family Service

Thursday, 15 December 2011


John Parker Barrows Green Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator has sent this post:

This is a message from Cumbria Trading Standards.

Cumbria Trading Standards are warning people not to respond to an email that claims to be from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), which states you are due a tax refund and asking you to click on the link Refund Me Now.

HMRC have confirmed that they do not use email to contact people to advise them they may be eligible for a repayment, or to ask for personal information or payment.

If you receive such an email you can report it to Trading Standards via Consumer Direct on 08454 040506.
Message sent by
Margaret Hodgson (Cumbria County Council, Administrator, Cumbria)

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Tree Planting on Helm

On Saturday 17 December we, the Friends of the Lake District, will be planting in the far south eastern side of our land and will be on site from about 10 am until about 3pm. As people will know, parking is very limited and we would ask that people don't block the lane and ideally share vehicles or walk in from the lay by on the A65. It would be helpful if people could bring a spade and if they are staying all day, lunch and a drink. The trees we are planting will be birch and hawthorn and are part of the wildlife tree pack that we were lucky enough to get free from the Woodland Trust. If anyone wants to know more, please ring or email Judith Moore Policy Officer on 01539 720788.Friends of the Lake District
Murley Moss
Oxenholme Road

Registered Charity Number 1100759
Company Limited by guarantee 4878364

Protecting Cumbria's Landscapes for the Future
Why not Join Friends of the Lake District? From only £2 per month you can help protect and conserve Cumbria and the Lake District. Ring or e-mail today for details.

New Non Emergency Police Number

The national Single Non Emergency Number (SNEN) 101 has been launched today, Tuesday 13th December along with other forces; Northumbria, Cleveland, Durham and North Yorkshire Police in Durham. 

101 is the new easy to remember number for the public to report non-emergencies to the Police and replaces the 0845 number.  

Kind Regards

Jessica Bullock
PCSO 5272
Milnthorpe Police Station, Beetham Road, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7QQ

Thursday, 8 December 2011

St. Mark's Church Christmas Coffee Morning

St Mark’s Church ~ Natland
Saturday 10th December 2011
10 am ~ 12 noon in the church and the vestry
Christmas Coffee Morning with Coffee & mince pies
plus a sale of good used books ~ Grand Christmas raffle ~ Home made cakes & sponges.
Meet for a chat with old and new friends~ SO    PLEASE    COME! and bring the family
Tickets £1.50 (children free).

Village Hall 200 Club Winners

The December lucky winners are: 1st - 79, 2nd - 54, 3rd - 44.   Midge Fairhurst.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


John Parker the Barrows Green Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator has sent this post from Cumbria Constabulary:

'Over the weekend of 4 and 5 December, ATM cash machines in the Ambleside and Windermere area have been targeted by criminals who have attached devices to the cash dispenser.  This has prevented the cash from being dispensed and appeared to be an ATM error.

We advise people to be vigilant when obtaining money from a cash machine. Before using the machine check it for anything suspicious around the card reader and the cash dispenser. In the most recent incidents reported the machine had a small piece of tape attached to the cash dispenser slot. 

If you think a cash machine has been tampered with do not use it, contact Cumbria Police on 0845 33 00 247 and your bank as soon as possible - there will be a telephone number on the cash machine for you to phone. 

We also advise people to hide their pin numbers when using the machine and be aware of anyone who may be watching them or looking over their shoulder. When possible use a cash machine which is inside a bank e.g. in the foyer'. 

Message sent  by Helen Madden (Police, PCSO, Ulverston (S))

Pro Nobis Singers Christmas Concert. Sunday 11th December: St.Mark's Church at 8pm.

The Pro Nobis concert this year will tell the Christmas story from Handel's Messiah, with two lovely Danish carols, two French carols and several carols by modern composers. A new setting of the medieval carol text 'I sing of a maiden' written by Clive Walkley who is the conductor of the Pro Nobis Singers, will be performed for the first time. There will also be readings of poetry and prose, sacred and secular, serious and not so serious.
Mince pies and a glass of Christmas cheer will be served after the concert.
Admission is by programme, £8, and these can be reserved by phoning 01539 723482.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Fred In Natland

Filming his occasional series "Where's Fred" outside the Post Office, is Fred Talbot from Granada TV.  It will be going out on a Tuesday night on Granada Reports, although even Fred doesn't know when. Somewhat disappointed to find out the Messerschmidt [the car in case anyone's looking for his plane] gets towed everywhere - and there was me thinking he'd driven up from Manchester.
Phil Bonney

Friday, 2 December 2011

Natland Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Attached are the minutes of the Natland Parish Council Meeting Minutes held on 28th November. Please follow link to MINUTES

Parish magazine for December

Full of Christmas articles and events, with news of the Push youth group's "Send a Cow" campaign and other church news. Copies available from the back of church for 60p.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

November Weather Statistics

                                                  2011                        2010
Temperature at 8 am                   8.7C                          3.3C
Minimum Temperature                 6.2C                           n/a
Maximum Temperature               10.7C                          n/a

                                                   mm       in.            mm      in
Rainfall                                      89.5       3.6          117       4.7

November was very mild, 5 degrees up on last year! It was quite dry until the last ten days. Quite a change from last year when we had snow at the end of the month.                                     John Dobson