Monday, 29 April 2013

Parish Plan questionnaires in

The Household Questionnaires distributed to all households just after Easter are now back in and beginning to be analysed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill in rather a lengthy and detailed form. Please keep checking the Parish Plan page for more information - or come to the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 16 May at the Village Hall to hear the latest on our progress.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Distressed Livestock and Family Pets

Livestock and family pets were left distressed by loud bangs and bright lights over the fields between Barrows Green and Natland shortly before and after 11pm last night (Saturday 27th April).  Rockets were seen coming from the direction of Highfield Hall (formerly Barrows Green House). 

Residents in the vicinity alerted the Police who originally thought the noise was caused by Network Rail upgrading the West Coast line.  Anyone who can confirm the source of this noise nuisance should contact SLDC Environmental Health Department on 0845 050 4434 or the Police on the non emergency number 101.

Hopefully if identified those responsible can be reminded of their impact on animals and others and avoid similar occurrences in the
future, Natland News would be pleased to post their apology

Friday, 26 April 2013

Village Hall AGM Report

Click on this link to find out what happened last Monday. 

The 200 Club lottery was also drawn at this event and the winners for April are: 1st, no.19: J. Watkinson. 2nd, no. 14: D. Batty 3rd: W.Wellwood. The May winners are: 1st, no. 36: A. Cason. 2nd, no. 57: B. Bowley. 3rd, no. 31: B. Evans.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

K Shoes Male Voice Choir

Advanced ticket sales are going well  for the K Shoes Male Voice Choir Concert in St. Mark's Church this Saturday (27th) but you can still turn up on the night and pay on the door. Come early for the best seats. Adults £7.00, children free.                                Collin Mansfield

Monday, 22 April 2013

Annual Parish Meeting

You are invited to the  ANNUAL  PARISH  MEETING  on Thursday 16 May 2013 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Please follow the link to the annual report Annual Report

Natland Parish Council Meeting Agenda

There will be a meeting of the Council in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 29th April 2013. Please follow link to AGENDA

W.I. Report for April

 W.I. President, Marion Thornton welcomed members to the April meeting and expressed congratulations to Joyce Ormrod on her 80th birthday.

Final arrangements  were made for our Town Walk in aid of Women Walk the World, supporting the international organisation of country women.

Craftswoman Christine Marshall enthralled us with her skill for making and decorating handbags for all occasions and told the history of them with her collection of antique Reticules.

The competition  for a piece of patchwork was won by Joan Ratcliffe.

Next meeting in the village hall, Natland,  on 15th May, will discuss the shortlisted resolution for the national Annual meeting, 'Decline in our highstreets and town centres', also a sales stall from County Federation and a Jacobs join supper provided by Committee members.  Margaret Lancaster.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Ear-Ring Found

An ear-ring has been found on in the vicinity of 21 Long Meadow Lane on Friday 12th  April.  If it's yours please email 

Jude Hodsoll

Cold Callers

Police are asking residents to be vigilant in relation to a recent cold caller attempting to purchase second hand gold within the South Cumbria Area. If you have had or get such a caller, then please do not hesitate to contact Cumbria Police on 101 

Friday, 19 April 2013

Steam train coming through.

On Tuesday 23rd April 46115 Scots Guardsman? will be northbound through Oxenholme 10-46 am as part of the Great Britain V1 rail tour.                    Pat Williams.

Village Hall AGM

Everyone is invited to come along to find out more about the workings of the Village Hall at the Annual General Meeting. It's on Monday next (22nd) at 7.30 in the small hall. Come and see how we tick, and maybe consider joining the committee. New ideas and enthusiasm would be very welcome.

Consultation on the Building of New Houses near Natland Mill Beck

If you missed the display at the Leisure Centre you can follow this link to find out more about the proposed development.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Sunday, 14 April 2013

10 more days to have your say

Thanks to everyone who has already completed the Parish Plan Household Questionnaire online or handed their completed paper copy back to a member of the Steering Group. If you have a question about how to fill it in, or need to request an extra copy, please just email us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. You have until Thursday 25 April to complete the questionnaire online or return your paper copy to Natland Post Office. Thank you.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Pre-School Jumble Sale

Pre-School are holding a Jumble Sale on Saturday 20th April at the Village Hall from 10-1pm. It's £1 admission to include a drink and a biscuit.

Donations of jumble can be left at the Village Hall on Friday evening between 6 and 7pm.

Allocations - First off the Blocks in Natland

I would like to draw Natland News readers' attention to the public notice on page 78 of yesterday's Gazette (Thursday 11th April) advertising a public exhibition about proposed residential development on land to the south of Natland Mill Beck Farm, Natland Road.  It will be at the Leisure Centre from 2pm to 7pm next Friday 19 April 2013.  It is being organised by Signet Planning  on behalf of Story Homes who are preparing a detailed planning application for for the site before submission to SLDC.  I presume it is to comply with a requirement of the 2011 Localism Act that developers must seek the views of local communities before submitting planning application for 'certain' (larger?) developments.

I have spoken to a resident of Natland Mill Beck Lane this morning and he was so far unaware of the event, hence this posting to encourage those affected to find out what's proposed and have their say.

I wonder if the timing is related to the recent ending of the Government's one-year postponement of its new policy of presumed consent for all "sustainable" development unless there was an up-to-date local plan in place that could overrule that principle.  That delay was intended to give local planning authorities time to get their local plans in place, but it didn't work for SLDC which is still hoping to adopt the Land Allocation document of its Local Plan later in 2013.  I understand (from last Monday's publication of the "Updated Schedule of Main Modifications") that it will include the requirement that Natland Mill Beck Lane shall not be used as a vehicular access to new development in that area.

Perhaps such fears will be alleviated by a visit to the exhibition.

David Peters - Chairman Natland Parish Council

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Village Hall AGM

Scrap Gold & Silver Cold Callers

Cumbria Trading Standards and Cumbria Police are advising Cumbrian residents to be on their guard against cold callers offering to buy scrap gold or silver jewellery items. If you want to sell items consider visiting a local jeweller or valuer where you will be able to obtain prices and decide in your own time whether that price is acceptable. Trading Standards’ advice is never deal with cold callers.

If you have been approached by these sellers or have any information please contact Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 040506 or Cumbria Police on 101

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Religious Buildings Quiz

Village Hall 200 Club

Would all members of the 200 Club please note that the April prize draw, which usually takes place at the Village Hall Management Committee’s meeting on the first Monday of the month, has been postponed until Monday, 22nd April.   The draw for the May winners will also take place on that date.

The 200 Club raises about £600 annually for Village Hall funds.  Members pay £12 a year for a number to be included in the 12 monthly draws.  Half this money goes to hall funds and the remaining half is paid out as prizes with three prizes being awarded each month.  New members are welcome to join at any time – the more members there are then the bigger the prizes!  Further information from  Midge Fairhurst.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Monday Club

The next meeting of the Monday Club will be held on Monday April 15th, 2.0pm in the Village Hall, when Jim Smith will give a talk on the subject of War Memorials.

K Shoes Choir Comes to Natland

Friday, 5 April 2013

Pre-School awarded grant

Natland and Oxenholme Pre-School have been awarded £2,523 towards a new canopy to cover the play area. The covered area will be available for the use of all Village Hall users.  link to the Westmorland Gazette website for more.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Weather Statistics for March



Temperature at 8am



Minimum Temperature (average)



Maximum Temperature (average)












It was the coldest and driest March since I commenced records in 2004.

This was due to strong North Easterly winds. Although we had some snow, we missed the severe weather which hit West Cumbria.    John Dobson