Friday, 27 September 2013

Harvest Lunch at School

Age UK South Lakeland, St Mark’s Church and St Mark’s Primary School invite older residents to a Harvest Lunch at St Mark’s CE Primary School on Monday 7th October at 1pm. Only £2.50!  Places are limited, so if you are interested, please contact Ruth Taylor from Age UK on 07787 201 259 by Wednesday 2nd October.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Spate of Burglaries

This is a message from Kendal Neighbourhood Policing Team.

There has been a recent spate of burglaries in the surrounding rural areas of Kendal.

Outbuildings have been targeted and locks broken off. A vehicle was broken into and a laptop taken.

2 Youths were seen in the area, if anyone has any information please ring the 101 number.

Please make sure your home and vehicles are locked and your outbuildings are secured.

If you have noticed anything suspicious please contact us on the 101 number. If you would like any crime prevention advice you can also ring the 101 number and ask for Terry Belshaw who is our Crime Prevention Officer who will come out and assess your property and give you the best security advice possible.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Women's Institute Meeting Report

       At a well attended September meeting of Natland & Oxenholme W.I., President Marion Thornton congratulated all members who had individually and co-operatively entered items of crafts and produce in the County show. The club was awarded the Doreen Galbraith Salver for their interpretation of  'A Walk on the Wild side'.

        Marion highlighted forthcoming events and courses in the County Newsletter and urged members to support them.

        Guest speaker Liz Mathews gave a lively account of her numerous trips to northern India, seeking out and learning from artisans their skills in making woven silk textiles and embroideries.  The pieces she brought made an exotic display of colour and workmanship.

        Jean Clement and Sylvia Shaw were joint winners of the monthly competition.

    Next meeting on October 16th in the Village Hall Natland, at 7.30pm.
    The speaker is Trevor Hughes whose subject will be Kendal Treasures.

    Visitors welcome.

Don't forget to visit our APPLE DAY in the Village Hall

on SATURDAY 28th SEPTEMBER  2pm to 4pm.

Lots of FUN & GAMES …...'Bob for Apples'  find the 'Golden Apple'

Admire children’s ART work  or …... just ENJOY a piece of APPLE PIE.

Parish Council Agenda for meeting next Monday

Click on this link to see the Natland Parish Agenda for Monday 30th September.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

St. Mark's Church Harvest Festival

Please buy tickets in advance, from Marion Thornton, 41 Longmeadow Lane, Natland, tel.015395 61253.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Friday, 20 September 2013

Steam train northbound this Saturday

Saturday 21st Sept northbound through Oxenholme 11:38 loco 61994 LNER class 4.

                                                                                                              Pat Williams.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Community Grants available

Dear Resident

The next meeting of the South Westmorland Neighbourhood Forum has now been confirmed as 7:30pm, Tuesday 15 October 2013 at Dallam School Sixth Form Centre, Milnthorpe. Full details of the agenda will be circulated nearer the time.

South Lakeland County Councillors have again this year allocated funding for community grants to the eight Neighbourhood Forum areas. If your community group would like to apply for funding please contact me in the first instance to discuss whether your project would be eligible for funding. My contact details are listed below.

Completed community grant applications to be considered at this meeting will need to be submitted no later than Monday 30 September 2013.

Please contact me if you would like any further information regarding the Neighbourhood Forum or our Community Grants scheme.

Kind regards


South Lakeland Area Support | Chief Executive’s Office | Cumbria County Council |

County Offices | Kendal | CUMBRIA | LA9 4RQ

t: 01539 713447 (South Lakeland)

m: 07717 303158


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Quiz this Friday

You don't have to come as a team - you can be put in a team on the night.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

W.I. Apple Day

Natland and Oxenholme W.I.


Natland Village Hall
Saturday 28th September, 2 - 4pm
Admission 50p adults, 25p children
Drinks, Apple Pie and Scones available.
  Apple bobbing and games for children.
Proceeds to the WI and Derian House

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

First Monday Club meeting of new season

This group for the over fifties will be learning about Lakeland Woodland Crafts and Industries from Andrew Lowe at their next meeting on the 16th Sept. in the Village Hall at 2pm. Membership for year : £10. New members welcome.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Ballet and Pilates Classes starting up

On Mondays starting on the 9th September there will be:
4-4:30 Pre school ballet 3-4 yrs
4:30- 5:15 Pre primary RAD 5 yrs
5:15-6:15 Pilates for Adults

For bookings or more details please call or email:
Tel: 077 691 57 303  Find us on Facebook.

Classes are taught by Irina Payne, a professional ballet dancer, trained and danced with the Choreography High School and the National Ballet at the Romanian National Opera in Bucharest, Romania.
Irina is an associate of the Royal Academy of Dance, has completed the Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma and holds the Registered Teacher Status and has taught in Egypt, Dubai and England.
Irina has an NVQ3 in Early Years and has completed Pilates Mat 1 and Mat 2 Teaching modules with Balanced Body University.

Badminton Season starting

2013-2014 SEASON

Club nights have now started. We are a small, friendly club seeking new members. Why not come along and give it a try? You will be made very welcome.
VENUE: New Village Hall, Natland
DAY: Thursday
TIME: 8.15pm.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Steam train going up and down the line.

On Saturday 7th September 60009 Union of South Africa will be southbound through Oxenholme    at 17:12.
On Saturday 14th September 60009 Union of  South Africa is northbound, probably again at 17:12 through Oxenholme as the timings have been pretty consistant.

Pat Williams.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Village Hall happenings.

The Village Hall will be a lighter, warmer place this autumn, with new lighting tubes, two new radiators in the small hall and one in the disabled toilet. The long running saga of the re-calibration of the British Gas electricity meter has finally been resolved - it is now a smart meter. Interest has been shown in the post of treasurer when Lynden leaves.  Marion Want will work with Lynden to see what the job entails.

The winner of the 200 Club draw was no. 81, Mollie Burns; second was no. 29, Brenda Holmes, and third was no. 11, Bill Welwood.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Come and see how the Parish Plan is shaping up

Residents of Natland Parish should now have had a leaflet inviting them to the Parish Plan 2014 Drop-in event at the church on the afternoon of Thursday 5 September, between 3pm and 7pm. Please come along and find out how the Parish Plan is shaping up and let us know what you think about it.

There will be members of the Steering Group present throughout the four-hour session and post-it note pads will be available for you to leave your thoughts on each panel. We will try to incorporate any constructive suggestions, as long as they chime with the spirit of the majority of responses that we got from the household questionnaire.

And there will be sign-up sheets on various topics so that you can let us know if you want to be part of the new groups that we are proposing to set up - to tackle Community Energy, Better Broadband and Traffic, Parking & Footpaths - as well as a sheet for people who would like to be part of a regular team of volunteers helping out in the parish as required.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Weather Statistics for August

                                                                                                2013                              2012

Temperature at 8am                                                                14.0c                            14.0c
Minimum temperature                                                             12.2c                            11.9c
Maximum temperature                                                            17.6c                            19.3c

                                                                                           mm           in               mm          in
Rainfall                                                                             185           7.4              166.5     6.7

Although August was quite a wet month, most of the rain fell on six very wet days. Otherwise, we had long spells of dry weather. Maximum temperatures were cooler on average than last year as we had a lot of cloudy days.                                     John Dobson.