Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Parish News - bumper edition

There are Christmas activities to suit all sorts of people listed in the two month edition of St. Mark's Church's magazine. Settle down to a good read, and plan your calendar for the next two months, by clicking on this link. If you prefer the paper edition, wait for it to be delivered to your door as every household in the parish will be receiving a copy shortly.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Age UK Christmas Celebration

Natland Young at Heart Social Group for older residents will next meet on Monday 12th December and we will be going along to the School Christmas Celebration in Church at 2pm, followed by tea and mince pies back at the village hall. In January (9th), the group will be meeting at Kendal Leisure Centre at 1.45pm where we will try various games and activities!

Waxwings in Natland

A single waxwing was spotted in the churchyard at the time of Wendy Balmer's funeral on Tuesday and a flock of 50 or so was seen on Abbey Drive on Friday. They come here from Scandinavia to see what they can find, and when conditions are right we could experience what in bird-watching terms is called an 'eruption'. Do email with sightings.
Tony Renkin emailled on Sunday 27th November: One waxwing Wednesday lunchtime Long Meadow Lane. Sunday morning a flock of 40/50 on apple tree aty Higher House Farm, Oxenholme Lane. (I think that the name for this influx of waxwings is an irruption).

Friday, 25 November 2016

A chance to have your say about health and social care locally.

Your local NHS invites you to The Kendal Integrated Care Community public event on Wednesday 30th November 2016, 6pm-7.30pm at the Quaker Meeting House, Stramongate, Kendal,Cumbria LA9 4BH.
An   Integrated   Care   Community   (ICC)   is   a   team   of patients   and   public,   health   and   social   care professionals   and   third   sector   organisations   that   work together to address the care needs of a community.   Come along and get involved in the design and running of your local health and social care services.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Another successful AGM for the WI

The November meeting of the WI was well attended and was followed by the AGM (at which two new committee members were elected), a Jacob’s Join supper and a ‘lively and entertaining social time’.

You can read or download the full report of the meeting here.

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting

The Parish Council received information on lighting, roads, footpaths, crime and the planning permission which is still awaited for the 17 houses adjacent to Underhill on the Burton Road at their recent meeting. Not a lot of progress was made on most of the items though it was interesting to read that the police need observers to help to target cross border criminals......  
Click here for the full report.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Police Commissioner's drop-in event.

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner Peter McCall will be holding a public drop-in event on Tuesday 22 November, from 10:00am – 11:30am, at the Auction Mart, J36, Crooklands, LA7 7FP.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Robbery last night (Thursday)

Over night a quad bike and power washer has been stolen from Natland near Kendal.

Did you see a large van in the area overnight? Or vehicle with a trailer?

If so then please ring Cumbria Constabulary on 101 stating log number CP-20161111-0030

The officer in charge is PC 1416 Michelle Tomlinson.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Lighting Up the Natland Night 2016

You are invited to decorate a lantern with a Poppy or World War 1 theme for the annual procession round the village this year.  It's on Friday 11th November starting in the school playground at 6.00pm and finishing with a liturgy of light and dance performance on the Green at around 7.30pm. There will be refreshments in the school hall.
Lantern making kits are available for £6 from the school office,, although you don't need to have a lantern to come along and join in.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Craft Fair and Exhibition Success

Thank you to everyone who turned out to support Natland's Craft event last Saturday. There was a good turnover of visitors and a whopping £863 profit was made for Natland and Oxenholme's Village Hall. The stall-holders seemed pretty happy with their takings too, and already there is a waiting list building up of people who would like to have stalls next year. The winner of the favourite item in the exhibition was Joan Hodgson with her decoupage picture of The Secret Garden.

Joan, receiving her prize from Craft Fair organiser, Sue Ashton.

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Age Concern Events

Natland Young at Heart Social Group for older residents runs at Natland Village Hall. The group will next meet on Monday 14th November from 1.45-3.45pm when we will be having an afternoon of Christmas crafts.
Christmas Lunch Club. You are invited to come along to St. Mark's Primary School for lunch on Thursday 8th December at 1.30pm. Be waited on by the children and enjoy a delicious meal for £3.50. Places are limited, so to book or cancel a place, please ring the Age UK helpline on 01539 728180 by the 1st December. This event is in partnership with St. Mark's Church and St. Mark's School.

Friday, 4 November 2016

November Parish News available here

Click here to download the Parish News with details of church and village events and activities.

October Weather

2016 2015
Temperature at 8 am 9.5c 7.7c
Minimum Temperature 8.5c 6.6c
Maximum Temperature 12.7c 11.0c
mm    in  mm in
Rainfall  46 1.8 83.5      3.3
After two wet months, October was well down on its average of 160mm.
It was fairly warm as well , so a good month!