Monday, 30 April 2018

May Parish News now available

Click here to find out about St. Mark's Church activities this month. 

We're busy fund-raising, so find your way through the scaffolding and see what plants are available in the church porch.  There are jars of home-made jams and chutneys available too on the bookcase inside, together with books for sale and to borrow.

In Christian Aid Week there will be a house-to-house collection as usual and the Coffee Morning and Spring Plant Sale will be held in the Church this year on Thursday 17th May at 10.30 am until 12.

Training on Resuscitation Course was well attended.

22 people from the village attended the course at St Mark’s School, where 6 volunteers from First Responders came to give the group training in resuscitation - CPR and the use of a defibrillator and what to do if someone is choking. It was a very useful and informative session and was very well presented, with a couple of short films and then hands on experience of the technique necessary to perform CPR.

We are very grateful to First Responders for giving us the support firstly in obtaining the defibrillator and also in training us how to use it. Although they are called Endmoor First Responders they will attend calls in Natland which is in their designated area.

They are having a fundraising Cream Tea to raise funds on 26th May at 2pm to 4pm in Endmoor at Marwood, Gatebeck Road. The tickets will be £1.50. They are entirely self financing.
Pam Mansfield.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Age UK event

Natland Young at Heart Social Group for older residents will next meet on Monday 14th May at Natland Village Hall at 1.45pm. If you would like to come along for an afternoon of playing some board games and tea and chat please do join us.

W.I. meeting April Report

Vice President Elaine Close welcome 30 members to the meeting.  She thanked Stella Howse for the lovely basket of flowers.

Six members had recently attended the Federation Spring Meeting where they had enjoyed a varied programme of updates and entertainment.  Joan Airey as delegate gave a report to the meeting.

Vice President Elaine then welcomed Jan Berry an expert in sugar craft, a Cake International Judge and a qualified chef.  Jan a former pastry chef spoke about her love of gardening which had inspired her into a career in sugar craft.  She demonstrated her craft with the making of tiny lavender, hyacinth and lily of the valley flowers which members thoroughly enjoyed.  Kate Toms gave the vote of thanks.

The competition for a fresh flower buttonhole was won by Marion Thornton with Dorothy Goddard second.  The monthly raffle was won by Lynne Procter.

Date of next meeting is Wednesday 16 May at 7.15pm in Natland Village Hall when resolutions for the AGM will be discussed.  The committee will provide a buffet supper.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Report and Invite from Natland Parish Council

Here is the NATLAND PARISH COUNCIL REPORT for the year ending 31 March 2018 and invitation to the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING on Thursday 10 May 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. It's a chance to air your views about everything you like, and don't like, about Natland. Parishioners have the right to ask for any resolutions to be placed upon the Agenda and these should be with me no later than seven days prior to the meeting.  These can be sent to the Parish Clerk  by email or posted to Braeside, Crook, Kendal.  LA8 8LA.

Monday, 16 April 2018

Bright new welcome on Natland Road

The new Natland planter greeting people entering the village courtesy of my mum and dad (Tony and Sandra Heap) and David Peters for getting the go ahead from the Parish Council and Highways authority.
Nigel Heap.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

More Time Slots available for booking at the Village Hall

From September 2018 additional times will become available for hirers (new and old) to book at the village hall.

Both large and small halls are now available every morning from Monday to Friday 8.30am-1pm and in the afternoon as well on a Thursday, 1-5.30pm. This means that all day 8.30 - 5.30pm is available on Thursdays in the large hall and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in the small hall.

Coffee Morning in St.Mark's Church

There will be a Coffee Morning in the church vestry on  Thursday 19 April 10.30. 

Coffee/tea and biscuits. £1.50. Raffle. All proceeds for the Samaritans.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Monday Club Meeting

On 16th April at 2pm members will meet in the Village Hall when the speaker will be Mr Gordon Fletcher who will give  a talk on "Greenland, icecap and icebergs."
Refreshments and Book stall will follow as usual.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Planning Permission Granted

Planning permision for extra care residential development (80 apartments with communal facilities, and 24 bungalows), with vehicular access and landscaped garden on OS Field No. 6510, south of Fell Close, off Burton Road Oxenholme, LA9 7ER was granted at a recent South Lakeland District Council planning meeting. Click here for more details. The application number was SL/2017/0620.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Natland Parish Council - Minutes of the last meeting - and Pre-School News

Our depleted band of councillors (no one has yet come forward to fill two vacant seats), considered highways (still potholed), the litter hunt, election matters and the forthcoming annual meeting, and two planning applications at their meeting of the 26th March.  It also reported on a letter that had been received telling them about the Pre-School moving from the Village Hall into a room in the school shortly.
Good news for Pre-school maybe - they will be able to provide the 30 hours for three year olds promised by the government - but sad for the Village Hall and the long association it has had with Pre-School, and prior to that Playgroup and Mothers and Toddlers. How many Natlanders remember heaving the climbing frame from the shed, through three narrow doors and the L shaped corridor into the hall, in order to amuse our offspring?How many offspring, some now middle-aged, remember the joys of glue and paint, tricycles and action rhymes in the roomy small hall, with even more room when the large hall was built? Elspeth Jayne (ed.)

Monday, 2 April 2018

March Weather

Temperature at 8 a.m.
2.9° C
5.4° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
1.8° C
3.9° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
6.8° C
9.2° C
72 mm
156.5 mm

March came in like a lion but the lamb did not appear at the end of the month. It was colder than usual but the Easterlies gave us a fairly dry month. The winter has not been severe but has lingered and we hope for some Spring weather in April.     John Dobson.