Thursday, 28 June 2018

Report of June's W.I. Meeting.

President Marion Want welcomed 31 members to the meeting.  She thanked Stella Ruth Hunter for providing the flowers.

Elaine Close had recently attended the National Federation Women’s Institute AGM in Cardiff and she gave a report on the meeting which had included guest speakers Dame Stella Rimington, Former Director of MI5 and Huw Edwards BBC News Presenter.

President Marion then welcomed Debra Jessett a humanist Celebrant from the British Humanist Association.  Debra gave an interesting illustrated presentation on her role providing personalised non-religious ceremonies to recognise and celebrate life’s milestones.  These included weddings, naming ceremonies, vow renewal, civil partnership and funerals.  Debra said individuals and family members were able to design their own very personal ceremonies.  President Marion Want gave the vote of thanks.

The competition for an old family photo was won by Dorothy Goddard with Jean Dobson second.  The monthly raffle was won by Nancy Toft.

Date of next meeting is Wednesday 18 July at 7.15pm in Natland Village Hall when the speaker will be Archie Workman on ‘My Life in the Gutter’.

Natland Parish Council. Minutes of the June Meeting

Follow this link to find out about the matters discussed by the Parish Council. Our Police Officer, PC Marion Jeffery, was unable to attend but sent a report. There were also updates to the budget and the cash statement.

Roof scammer alert

There are doubts as to the legitimacy of someone who is advertising roofing services in the July edition of Local Choice.  Uninvited, he called on a village resident who was not aware there was a problem with the roof. After showing a photograph purportedly of the roof defect, he then removed slates from  the roof for no apparent reason. The police were alerted, and he hasn't been seen since. However the advert may attract more customers who are not aware of this background. The phone number given in the advert appears to be a local number but he is not from this area. So be careful before engaging roofers at the moment! 

If you think you have problem with the roof, ask a neighbour for a second opinion. If you need to take it further ask one of your many neighbours in the village who has had roof work done for a recommendation.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Stop press - Long Meadow public inquiry

At 4.40pm, Wednesday, Oakmere Homes formally withdrew their Appeal and the Inspector closed the Inquiry.

After only the second day of a seven-day programme, landscape/green gap and drainage/flooding matters had been considered, but highways, heritage, housing supply, 'tidying up' and formal site visit were still to come.  But landscape and flooding were creating so many interdependent issues that Oakmere's QC sought further instructions from his client whom he contacted at a racecourse somewhere and got his decision.

Just before that Long Meadow Lane residents had expressed their feelings about flooding from the site and Clive Walkley had made his statement about being a pedestrian on Oxenholme Lane.  The County Council's man from Carlisle had waited all day for nothing.

But now we don't have to turn out tomorrow at the Shakespeare Centre or back in the Town Hall after that.  Hooray!

We shall see whether Oakmere want to do a lot of extra investigation and design work and relaunch their appeal for a (probably) less financially viable site.

David Peters

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Garden Open Day Sunday 22nd July

Two years ago on a lovely sunny Sunday substantial funds were raised for the Church and for the Village Hall. With a fine sunny day forecast again we hope to improve on the attendance and on the income for both organisations.

We have gardens in the village centre, Oxenholme Lane, Longmeadow, at Cracalt, Fell Close as well as one special garden near Oxenholme station. The gardens will be open from 11.30am until 5.00pm. Programmes will be on sale later this month in advance at £4.00 from Natland and Oxenholme Post Offices Admission from one week before and on the day will be £5.00 at the Church door or at the more remote participating gardens.

Refreshments will be available in the village hall with proceeds from refreshments going to the village hall. If you can bake a cake for teas please contact Rhian Peters or anyone on the village hall committee.

We would also like to recruit one or two more garden owners to open their gardens. We are not looking for “show gardens “and they do not have to be large or free of all weeds. This is an opportunity to share your garden with other gardeners who are visiting to enjoy a stroll round the village on a Sunny Sunday afternoon

If you would like to chat about opening your garden please call or text Collin on 07740 447858.

We also need help publicising the event so please tell your family, friends, put it on face book, tweet about it, and let everyone know who you think would enjoy an afternoon out in some wonderful gardens.

Monday Club Meeting

The last Club  meeting before the summer break will be on 18th June when members will meet at the Netherwood Hotel at 12 noon for 12.30pm when lunch will be served.
The 2018-2019 season will begin on Monday 17th September and a warm welcome is given to new members from Natland.

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Public Inquiry – Appeal by Oakmere Homes re Land East of Long Meadow Lane, Natland

A notice advertising the Public Inquiry into the Appeal by Oakmere Homes against SLDC’s refusal of planning consent for 55 dwellings on land east of Long Meadow Lane has appeared on the telegraph pole outside No 41.
The Inquiry will be held over eight working days commencing at 10am Tuesday 19 June and ending on Friday 29 June 2018.
The venue will be the Assembly Room, Kendal Town Hall, except on Thursday 21 June when it will be the King’s Room, Shakespeare Centre, Kendal (off Highgate).
The Inspector is Paul Jackson BARCH RIBA.  Members of the public may attend and, at the Inspector’s discretion, express their views.
Documents are being published almost daily on SLDC’s website – click here, then view Plans and Documents. Of particular relevance is the recent Appellant’s Proof of Evidence – 44 pages written by consultant Kate Bellwood.  The Planning Inspectorate’s own website is rubbish.
As an overworked SLDC planning officer said to me two days ago – “They’re going to throw the book at us”.
Natland Parish Council is not formally involved in the Inquiry, but councillors will be attending the Inquiry when appropriate and available.

David Peters
Chair of Natland Parish Council
3 June 2018

Saturday, 2 June 2018

New Canal Towpath Proposals

The Lancaster Canal Regeneration Project will host a roadshow in Kendal next Thursday, the 7th June, 4pm - 8pm. It's to discuss proposals for a waterside pathway for walking and cycling along the old canal. It will be held at the Factory Tap off Aynam Road.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Young at Heart Social Group

This Age UK group will meet on Monday 11th June at Natland Village Hall at 1.45pm. If you would like to come along for an afternoon of tea, chat and good company, please get in touch. 01539 728118.

Minutes of the Natland Parish Council for May

John Houghton was co opted onto Natland Parish Council at the last meeting of the Parish Council. Douglas Rathbone is the new South Lakeland District Council member. David Peters was again elected chair. There are still two vacancies. Click here to see the minutes. Annual return papers are available here.

May in Natland

Temperature at 8 a.m.
12.6 C
10.8° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
10.8° C
7.7° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
18.4° C
18.0° C
42.5 mm
117 mm

We have had a  long period of high pressure with hardly any rain since
16 May. Rainfall was about half average for May. The hot weather in
the second half of the month was countered by quite low temperatures
early on. John Dobson.

Church Magazine for June

Click here to catch up on everything that is going on in the church. 
The Church Fete is on Saturday 9th June in The Vicarage Garden from 2-4pm. It has a football theme (for some reason) and there will be plants, books, toys, bric-a-brac, ice cream and gallimaufry stalls. You'll have to come along to find out what that is. There'll be a tombola, games, a raffle and teas in the Village Hall.