Monday, 29 April 2019

Minutes of the last Council Meeting

Here are the minutes of the Natland Parish Council Meeting held in Natland Village Hall at 7pm on Wednesday 24th April.
Our Village Highwayman has tracked down things which hamper our movements in the village. The telegraph pole on Oxenholme Lane between The Vicarage and The School was replaced and the street light on the old telegraph pole went too! Click here for the full minutes.

Annual General Meeting of the Village Hall

Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall.
Chair:  Sarah Roberts, The Anchorage, Helm Lane, Natland, Kendal, LA9 7QL
The AGM for the Village Hall will be held in the Village Hall on Monday, 13th May at 7pm.
All interested members of the public welcome. Do come along and find out about everything that has been going on this past year.

Saturday, 27 April 2019

Parish News for May

Click here for details of the springtime happenings at St. Mark's Church.

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Hedghog spotted

Eva Brennand writes: Hedgehog been coming for supper for one week now.  Oak Fold, Oxenholme Lane.
Has anyone else had hedgehog visitors?  

Collin Mansfield has: Our hedgehog lives at the bottom of our garden where he has dug out a burrow to hibernate under the compost heap. Last winter he lived under a pile of pine needles below a tree. Our neighbours serve hedgehog food so he is often seen dining in their garden. There again he could be a she!

Village Green in a bit of a mess

Nigel Heap writes: I don't know if anybody has noticed the diversion signs laying on the village green making a mess of the grass. Why are they still there I wonder?

At least the Green has been tidied up remarkably well by the County Council now they've finished drilling boreholes in it.  Elspeth.

New Community Hub in Crosscrake - Fundraising Ball

Click here for more details of the Fundraising Ball and the proposed new building.

Friday, 19 April 2019

Holes appearing in the middle of the village.

County Highways are about to dig three large trial pits on the Green and conduct infiltration tests to see if a large soakaway there might be capable of taking all the surface water arriving from Helm Lane.
Such a soakaway would remove the need to renew the inadequate soakaways (under domestic gardens?) at the Abbey Drive/Robby Lea Drive crossroads, but would require a new sewer from there to the Green.  So we can expect a lot of disruption before the flooding is cured.
Natland Parish Council and the Lord of the Manor have consented to Cumbria County Council carrying out this investigative work which is provisionally scheduled to start on Tuesday 23 April 2019.
David Peters – Chair of Natland Parish Council

W.I. Meeting

We had an illustrated talk on the Temples and Textiles of Mexico at the last meeting. Full report of the meeting here.

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Parish Council Meeting coming up.

There will be a meeting of Natland Parish Council in Natland Village Hall on Wednesday 24th April 2019 at 7pm. The first slot on the agenda is for public participation, so do come along if you have anything you would like to raise. Click here for the full agenda. 

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Community Governance Review of South Lakeland 2018/19 - Kendal's tanks on Natland's lawn?

David Peters, Chair of Natland Parish Council, writes:
"Most Natlanders will be blissfully unaware that 2019 could see significant areas of Natland civil parish transferred into Kendal.  SLDC is carrying out a Community Governance Review (CGR) at the behest of Kendal Town Council which wants its boundary extended into adjacent parishes so as to envelope land allocated for development in the latest South Lakeland Local Plan.

In the case of Natland parish this could mean annexing all of Natland Mill Beck Lane south of Natland Beck (about 18 properties historically part of Natland) and the new housing development 'The Beeches' (76 properties), totalling 25% of Natland's dwellings.  Two development areas south of Oxenholme and east of the railway line could also be transferred, but that would be less controversial as only one older property would be affected and there is the possibility of creating a separate parish council of Oxenholme to serve the enlarged area.

The purpose of a CGR is to ensure that community governance at the parish (as opposed to district and county) level reflects the interests and identities of the community, and that the arrangements are effective and convenient for the electors of that community.

The CGR began in July 2018 and should conclude a year later.  The Public Consultation stage began on 4 March and will end on 26 May 2019.  The public can influence the outcome by commenting through SLDC's website, where full details will be found, including Natland Parish Council's"Initial Submission" response of October 2018, which you can read here.
A further consideration is financial:  although at present the 'parish council' element of the Council Tax is significantly lower in Natland than in Kendal, losing 25% of its dwellings to Kendal would reduce Natland's tax base and lead to a commensurate tax increase for all the remaining Natlanders.

Natland Parish Council will continue to challenge the annexation of Natland Mill Beck Lane and The Beeches through the current consultation and will raise the issue in its Annual Report (delivered to all households at the end of April) and at the Annual Parish Meeting on 16 May 2019.

In the meantime concerned residents are encouraged to make their views heard."

Welcome Return of Chris Bannister

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Super Soakaway News, and more....

On the very day of the Natland Parish Council Meeting, Cumbria Country Council had been in touch to say that they are going to improve the drainage on Helm Lane and the Village Green.Their intention is to make a 'super soakaway' on the Green.  It is planned to carry out infiltration testing and the Council is agreeable to this taking place as soon as possible, as also is the Lord of the Manor!  Click here to find out more about the Parish Council meeting.

The Weather in March was.....wet.

March average
Temperature at 8 a.m.
5.3° C
4.28° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
3.6° C
2.6° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
9.7° C
8.01° C
237 mm
89.87 mm

March was very wet : it rained every day  from March 2 to 23 . No rain since
then though. It was warmer than average and there were no temperatures
below zero. John Dobson

Coffee Morning in the Church on Thursday

Thank you to everyone who came and spent so generously. £164.50 was raised for schools in Senegal.