Saturday, 31 August 2019

Monday Club Meeting

Meetings held in the Village Hall start again on 16th September at 2pm when John Bateson will give a talk on "Employment and living conditions in 19th and early 20th century Kendal".
Tea and biscuits to follow, and bookstall.
Reminder: The annual membership fee of £12 will be collected at this meeting. Cheques (if possible) payable to Natland Monday Club.
New members always welcome.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Parish News for September

The month is kicking off in style with David Aris leaping from an aeroplane on the 1st September. He's doing it in aid of St. John's Hospice, and he will be attached to a parachute. If you would like to sponsor him, take a look at page 4 of the Parish News. There are details of Church Services, Coffee Mornings, and many more church and village activities.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Parish Council Meeting last month

Planning matters were discussed at the last meeting of Natland Parish Council in July. Click here for the minutes of the meeting.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

The Weather in July

July average
Temperature at 8 a.m.
15.9° C
14.8° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
14.6° C
12.9° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
20.5° C
20.2° C
136 mm
110 mm

We had some very hot days in July. The 25th was 27C which is the hottest I have recorded here although well below 38C for that day in Cambridge. it was wet, particularly over the last two weeks of the month. John Dobson.