The story so far...... What seems like long long ago our intrepid hero Revd. Craig Bentley boldly (or somewhat foolishly?) offered to climb St Mark's church tower 500 times to match the height of Mt. Everest. The charity chosen to share with St Mark's in the proceeds of the climb is the International Nepal Fellowship.
His mid November climbing window was stymied by Lockdown 2 and he had to put his plans on hold and concentrate on his spiritual, clerical and familial duties.
A new date was fixed for January but now Lockdown 3 means Craig is frustrated yet again. All this disappointment for him just as Cumbria had begun to resemble the Himalaya with snow and ice all around us.
And now...... A new date must be fixed for this epic challenge, but when? When will Craig be freed by Boris and the Bishop to ascend and descend that tower? Should it be Lent, a time of penitence, or 25th April to celebrate St Mark's day or, as one clerical wag irreverently suggested Ascension Day? Rather than fix a new date and be disappointed yet again there will be a review of the situation at the end of February and a decision taken as to whether Craig will make a summit dash before his Easter duties renders this impossible or wait until spring makes conditions easier in April. One thing remains however is his determination to complete the challenge.
The good news.... In a very seasonal way just before Christmas there were “Glad tidings of great joy.” Without even eating a single bar of Kendal Mint Cake Craig had already raised over £2,500.00. Just think what he might achieve if he ever got started! Thank you to everyone who has donated so generously. Collin Mansfield.