Saturday, 31 July 2021

August Parish News

Please find attached the latest edition of Parish News.  

In September home deliveries will be resumed.

In the meantime please ensure any item that you have for inclusion in the September edition arrives at by the 6th August.

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Parish Council Agenda

Here is the agenda for the meeting next Monday, when the new local plan and the situation regarding the Post Office will be considered. Contact the Parish Clerk,

Fundraiser for NHS on The Green

There was enough room in the shade of the village oak tree for everyone to sit and enjoy a meal in a box provided by the W.I. yesterday. It was a lovely to get together and have a chat again, thanks especially to the Cadent workers who drilled their trenches further away.

The church tombola stall.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Another Steam Train today

On Tuesday 13th July, The Fellsman will be pulled by a steam train from the Carnforth pool. Southbound Oxenholme 17:03. In the loop 17:05-17:30. but anything could happen.

Pat Williams.

Thursday, 8 July 2021

NHS Quiz Result

Thank you to everyone who purchased a quiz sheet; the winning entries are as follows.

1st     Barbara Nelson        2nd    Elizabeth Chandler         3rd     Debbie Bartlam

David Walker

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

A Steam Train is coming through on Saturday

 On Saturday 10th July a steam train from the Carnforth pool will be northbound Oxenholme 11:02

Pat Williams.

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Temporary Road Closure - Oxenholme Lane

 The Chair of Natland Parish Council, David Peters writes:

Some of you may have noticed the legal notice in Thursday's (1 July) Gazette about a temporary traffic regulation order on part of Oxenholme Lane to enable Cadent Gas to "carry out replacement works". Vehicles will be prohibited from using the lane between A65 Burton Road and just past the Long Meadow Lane junction "when the relevant traffic signs are displayed". The Order will commence on 19 July and is expected to be required until 21 September 2021. Pedestrians and dismounted cyclists should be allowed through at all times.

This is the first official closure of the current project. More are expected, with considerable disruption to movement. The Parish Council is asking Cadent for information about its pipe renewal programme in Natland so that the whole community can be kept informed, not just the households directly affected.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Steam trains both ways

 On Saturday 26th of June, 35018 British India Line?? will be northbound Oxenholme 11:41.

Also 6201 Princess Elizabeth  will be southbound Oxenholme 17:10.

Pat Williams.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

The Church Magazine for July

There are invitations to get together again in the Parish News this month, with a chance to do some drawing in or around the church on the 6th July (page 10) and an invitation to a Vicarage Garden Get Together on the 11th of July (page 10). Click here for details, and an inspiring read.

The Weather in June


June average
Temperature at 8 a.m.
14.4° C
13.6° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
11.4° C
11.4° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
20.8° C
18.8° C
39 mm
89 mm

After a dry April and a wet May, we were back to a dry June.
Temperatures were about average but we did have several days 
when it got up to 25 c. John Dobson.

The W.I. is soon to return to the Village Hall

W.I. members have enjoyed meeting on Zoom during the pandemic but if all goes well the next meeting wil be in the Village Hall. It's on the 21st July at 7.30 when Cherrie Trelogan will give a talk on Kendal's Role in the History of Felt Making.

In the meantime, on Monday the 19th July at 3pm, the Afternoon Tea for NHS charities will be held on the Village Green. Tickets may still be available from Kirsten Cannon, 01539 722416.

Click here for a full report.