Saturday, 27 August 2022

Households yet to claim energy rebate urged to do so.

 Click here for a link to South Lakeland District Council’s information about winter fuel payments.

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Parish News for September

September starts with a farewell service in St. Mark’s Church followed by a get together in the Village Hall as we say goodbye to our curate, the Rev. Craig Bentley and his family as they head off to the north-east. 

More events are listed below and you can click on this link to read about all the other church based activities as well as details of the ones below.

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Cost of Living Crisis: Winter Warmth Fund- Individuals

Notification from Natland Parish Council.  

Cumbria Community Fund are managing these grants to help older people in Cumbria stay warm and healthy. It is funded by voluntary donations of the winter fuel allowance payments, individual and local business donations.

Who can apply?

Individuals aged 60 and over with the aim of reducing excess winter deaths and numbers of older people living in cold homes across Cumbria.

You must:

• be over 60

• Cumbrian resident

and receive:

• State pension and/or Pension Credit


• struggle to maintain a basic acceptable standard of living during the winter due to the cost of heating your home and the restrictions of cold weather

The normal grant is £150 or £250 in exceptional circumstances


If you would like to apply to this fund please contact:


• Age UK South Lakeland:

Hannah Kitching 01539 728118

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Changes make disabled facilities grant scheme more inclusive

News release

9 August 2022


South Lakeland's Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) scheme has been modified to make it even more inclusive.

The scheme helps pay for changes so people can stay living independently, with South Lakeland District Council undertaking eligible works up to a value of £30,000.

Subject to a test of financial resource, households may be asked to make a contribution but the level at which the means test will now be applied to mandatory grants has been increased from £5,000 to £10,000. Where the adaptation is for a child or young person there is no test of financial resource for the first £30,000.

SLDC's Cabinet was told that the cost of DFG work in the past six months, particularly for level-access showers, which account for about 80 per cent of DFG grants, had been exceeding £5,000.

Councillor Helen Chaffey, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: "This is a response to increasing costs and a definite move on our part to make this worthwhile scheme which makes a real difference to people's quality of life more accessible.

"Increasing the means test threshold will cut down waiting times for applications and the start of work.”

Typical DFG adaptations are:

  • stair lifts
  • wet floor shower areas
  • access ramping.

SLDC can help with the planning and design of the work along with Cumbria Social Services and health occupational therapists.

You can apply if you are:

  • registered or registerable as disabled (your social worker or occupational therapist can tell you this) and an owner-occupier or tenant. Social housing tenants may be able to get help from their housing association to adapt their homes;
  • acting on behalf of a person with disabilities who lives in your home;
  • a landlord acting on behalf of a tenant who has disabilities.

Councillor Suzie Pye, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Poverty Alleviation, said: "It is vitally important that this support is there for individuals who need it and that it is as accessible as possible. This change will remove any unnecessary delays which could cause inconvenience and suffering.

"I urge anyone who feels they could benefit from this scheme to have a look on our website and find out what is available and if they are eligible for this support."

For more information on the scheme, go to:

For advice and assessment from a county council occupational therapist if you live in South Lakeland, contact: 01539 713378/713343/713111/713334 or email


For more information, please contact the SLDC Communications Team on 01539 793300.

Monday, 8 August 2022

Dementia Awareness course

 There is a free Zoom dementia awareness course available starting on Thursday the 18th of August, 7-8pm and for three subsequent weeks. Click here for details. John Houghton.

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Natland Weather Report for July


                                                                                 C                         C

TEMPERATURE AT 8AM                                      15.8                       14.9

AVERAGE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE                 13.9                       13.1

         "        MAXIMUM           "                               21.7                       20.4

RAINFALL                                                             92MM                     116MM

       "                                                                       3.7 INS                     4.7 INS

Although it was very hot on the 18/19 July, we did not have a prolonged heatwave so monthly average temperatures were lower than last July. I live at the top of a hill and it is noticeably cooler than in the rest of the village. Even so, I recorded 32 C on the 19 July. We rarely exceed 25 C. Rainfall was nearly 4 inches, unlike the rest of the country which is having a drought. John Dobson.

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Music on a Summer’s Afternoon

 Do come along to church next Sunday afternoon for a free singing and organ recital.

7th August 2.30pm

Natland Church

with Clive Walkley and Katie Whittaker

All are very welcome

Refreshments will be served

Minutes of the last Natland Parish Council Meeting

 Here are the Minutes of the meeting held on the 25th July and a list of topics which the Council is addressing.

The next meeting will be in October.