Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Christian Aid Week - result

 Thank you very much to the people who donated so generously to Christian Aid during the recent Christian Aid Week appeal. We have raised over £1,500!   


Friday, 26 May 2023

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Plants Available

There is a wide selection of plants available at the church porch, and anytime now Collin is going to come down with his dahlias. Don’t miss out on quality plants at very reasonable prices.

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Church News for June.

 The Parish News is full of events and activities for the summer.  There’s an invitation to check out nature in the churchyard, 3rd to the 11th June, Lakes Gospel Choir are coming on the 10th June, the Cameo (Come and Meet Each Other) Group is coming along on the 18th June, with Encounter Group in the evening. The School Summer Fair is on the 23rd June, to which everyone is welcome, and there’s a Summer barbecue in the Vicarage Garden (hopefully, as it might be the last chance we will have to enjoy the garden), on the 24th June.

Click here for details of all these activities.

Monday, 22 May 2023

New Faces at Natland Parish Council

     Four volunteers, Ms J Kelly, Mr P Ball, Mr M Harkness and Mr S Ibbs have been coopted as parish councillors.  The council is now quorate, but not entirely satisfactorily constituted, so cllr Ellison agreed to stay on for a further month as chairman of the council. There is still one position not filled. The election of a new chairman, vice chairman and officers and representatives was postponed until the June meeting.

    Various financial matters could now be processed.  The clerk was already investigating a supposed Community Infrastructure Levy payment to Natland council of over £2600 which had not been received.

    The next meeting of the parish council will be on Monday 26th June at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Here is a link to the minutes of last year’s Assembly.

Friday, 19 May 2023

Access on Sedgwick Road a bit uncertain.

 This is a communication Paul Want received from Westmorland and Furness Highways when he asked about access to his home: 

I have spoken to Jones Homes who are the contractors completing the work.

Jones Homes has advised that vehicles should be able to access from the St Marks Fold End of the road.

However, they are only guaranteeing pedestrian access as until they start the works they cannot say how far the dig may come down in which case there may be no vehicle access.

For further information you would need to contact Jones Homes.

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Christian Aid Week Coffee Morning.

Thank you, everyone, for coming along to the Coffee Morning and buying and giving. £627 was raised! It will soon be winging its way to Christian Aid where they will use it to continue their work helping the world’s poorest communities. Donations are still very welcome.

The familiar red envelope will be popped through your door soon (14th May onwards) and it would be great if you could fill it as generously as you have done in previous years. The problems of people in developing countries don’t seem to go away; in fact they are getting worse in many places as a result of climate change. 

The places where you can deliver your envelope are listed on it, or you can bring it to the coffee morning for a free cup of coffee.

Monday, 15 May 2023

The Annual Parish Council Meeting

 This follows the Annual Meeting and public participation is invited. Here is the Agenda.

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Annual Parish Meeting

 All local government electors of the civil parish of Natland are invited to attend


7pm on Monday 22nd May 2023

                                                          Natland Village Hall 


1. Welcome and any apologies.

2. To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting on 28th April 2022 (copies to be circulated at meeting and placed on the website).

3. To receive a Report from the Police (if present).

4. To receive the Interim Accounts of the Parish Council (copies to be circulated at meeting and placed on the website).  

5. To receive a Report from Natland’s Westmorland and Furness Councillors – if present.

6. To receive any Reports submitted by reps from other Parish Institutions (St Mark’s School, Appletree School, Village Hall, Church) and brief Reports by reps from other Natland-based Groups (these may be sent to the Clerk or read out at the meeting)

7. To consider any Motions of which written notice has been given.

8. Open Forum – a chance to raise any other matters or concerns about Natland Parish.

Ian Ellison.  Chair of Natland Parish Council.

(The meeting will be followed by a meeting of Natland Parish Council

Friday, 12 May 2023

Cameo Meeting


Steam train coming through

On Saturday 13th May northbound 11:42 through Oxenholme a steam train from the Carnforth pool . 

Pat Williams.

No Water on Longmeadow Lane this morning

Don’t know where that’s gone. Just off to church - there’s a tap round the north side.

The leak is near the sub station at the junction of Shanny Lane. Water pressure everywhere in Natland probably affected.

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Village Hall AGM

 At the recent village hall AGM the existing members of the hall's management committee were all re-elected, but there were no new nominations for 2023-24.  

Two vacancies for ordinary members remain, and these may be filled by co-option over the next 12 months. Any residents of Natland or Oxenholme who have an interest in promoting and maintaining this valuable facility for local benefit would be very welcome.  Please contact Sarah (email: natland.villagehall for further info.

The Chair's report for 2022-23 is available here.

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Monday, 8 May 2023

The Coronation in Natland

The sun shone on everyone who celebrated the coronation on Sunday with a Big Lunch.

Saturday, 6 May 2023

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Plants available at Church

There are plenty of plants available now for sale at St Mark’s Church at a variety of very reasonable prices. Be garden ready with colourful plants for the summer. The perennial plants should really prove to be perennial, having survived a cold, wet winter round here.

Temporary Road Closure.

 The new Thriving Communities department of Westmorland and Furness Council informs us that: A temporary road closure has been put in place to allow Jones Homes Lancashire Ltd to carry out utility works which are expected to commence 16th May 2023 and anticipated to take 1 week to complete.

Please see below details of the extents of the closure and alternative route, the relevant legal notice can be viewed at and a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on via link 

Location: a section of the C5071 Natland Road, from its junction with St Mark’s Fold, extending in a northerly direction for a distance of approx. 190 metres.

Alternative Route: A way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times and a suitable alternative route for vehicles will be signed and available via the unrestricted sections of the C5071 Natland Road, A65 and U5631 Barrows Green.

Monday, 1 May 2023