St. Mark's Primary School will be celebrating Harvest in Church at 10.00 a.m. on Friday 7 October. Everyone is welcome to join the school in church on this morning. The produce will be distributed within the parish and then the remainder will be sold at the Church Harvest Tea on Sunday 9 October. The proceeds from this will be going to Seeds for Africa, a charity working to provide equipment and training in basic food growing and farming to young people, the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal which is for projects in Uganda and Egypt this year, and Manna House in Kendal.
The Harvest Communion in church is at 10am on Sunday and the Harvest Tea and Auction in school at 4pm. The Harvest Tea will be a 'bring and share' event - just bring something along to share - savoury or sweet. Drinks will be provided. Tea and a 'bit of a sing' will be followed by the auction and special activities for children.