Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations - SUNDAY 3rd June

Kendal Photographic Society

Brian Wright has sent us the Kendal Photographic Societies programme for 2012-13

Steam Trains

Thursday 31st May  northbound through Oxenholme , 60163 Tornado. 11-34.


Thursday, 24 May 2012

Parcel Scam

Received email today claiming to be from USPS (US postal service) saying parcel delivery had failed.  It asked us to open the attachment to obtain a form to claim parcel from local post office - also warned of storage charges.

This is a pfishing scam - the official USPS website has a warning.  The attachment should not be opened.

David Gaulton

Summer Crime

Information sent on behalf of Cumbria Constabulary;

Now that the nice weather is upon us new opportunities are created for the opportunistic criminal. By taking a few simple steps we can stamp out summer crime in our communities.

Ensure when you are out in your garden that you keep all doors which are not in direct line of sight secure, especially your front door if you are in your back garden.

Open windows are easy pickings if you are away from your home ensure they are secure even in warm weather, leaving your windows insecure may also invalidate your household insurance.

At this time of the year we also find our selves in and out of garages and sheds in a bid to keep the grass down and our gardens tidy, remember to secure your sheds and garages when finished or if they out of sight and easily accessible.

As always be aware of bogus callers, it makes no difference if they engage you in your garden rather then your door step. Remember to ensure your home is secure front and back and ask for ID. If you are unhappy ask them to leave and inform the Police.

Steam Trains

On Saturday 26th May northbound through Oxenholme 11-41, 46233 Duchess of Sutherland.

Also on Saturday 26th May northbound through Oxenholme 13-47, 5043 Earl of Edgecumbe.


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Christian Aid Week house-to-house collection result

The volunteer collectors collected £1,750 in donations to Christian Aid from houses in Natland, Oxenholme and The Oaks. Thank you very much to all the people who gave so generously. The money is now banked and will soon be portioned out to Christian Aid's projects in developing countries, and to those in urgent need as a result of famine in West Africa.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Garden Open Day, 15th July

Collin Mansfield writes:

The Weather:
We have ordered a fine sunny day but the event will go ahead even if it rains.

The Gardens:
We currently have approximately 12 garden owners who have agreed to open their gardens. The locations stretch from the A65, Helm and Oxenholme Lanes, round the village green and down to Little Cracalt. There is still time to volunteer so, if you would be willing to open your garden, please let me know.

Opening Times:
The gardens will be open from 11.30am until 4.00pm. This will allow anyone attending morning service at church to stay in the village and look at the gardens.
The afternoon is to be rounded off with a Songs of Praise service on the village green at 4.30 to which it is hoped as many visitors as possible will attend. The Salvation Army Brass Band from Carnforth will be providing the music.

Entrance Payment:
Entrance will be by production of a programme. These will go on sale a few weeks before at a discounted price of £3.00 compared with £4.00 on the day. Children under 16 will be free. There will be a treasure hunt for younger children.

These will be on sale in the village hall from 1.00pm to 4.00pm where there will be toilet facilities for visitors.

Fund Raising:
The purpose of the event is to raise funds for the church and for the village hall committee (who will keep all the proceeds from refreshments at the village hall). One garden owner has agreed to host a raffle. Donations of raffle prizes will be most welcome. There will be a stall selling plants. If you have plants to sell please pass them to me in the week preceding the event.

2 Abbey Gardens, Natland.  Email.

Queen's Diamond Jubilee

Just a reminder that there will be a Jubilee event on Sunday 3rd June.   The morning will begin with a special service at 11 o’clock in St. Mark’s Church.  Following this at around 12.30pm a picnic, which is part of the National Big Picnic, will be held on the Village Green.  Those who do not wish to be part of the service may join us at this point.  We hope you will bring some food which can be shared with others present.  During the shared picnic the Kendal Concert Band will play to entertain us.
The occasion is one for all the family. Everyone is invited to dress for the occasion and to take part, particularly the children, in a fancy dress competition.  You are invited to dress regally or as a character from the last sixty years.  This will be followed by some novelty sports events for the fit and healthy, the young at heart, and the children.

The event will culminate with Dave, a professional entertainer, leading us in a sing-song of some popular songs from the last sixty years.  We are hoping for a super fine day but should the weather be inclement then we will do as much as possible in the Village Hall which, in any case, will be open for cloakroom use.  We hope you and your family will join in this celebration.

The Village Hall Annual Report

To find out how the Village Hall is ticking over click here.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Tree Pruning at the Vicarage

Professional advice has been taken and some judicious pruning will now take place on the Vicarage trees which overhang Oxenholme Lane. This will make the trees healthier and going under them safer.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Firefighters across Cumbria are issuing a warning following a spate of call-outs to bonfires.

In the past week Cumbria County Council's Fire & Rescue Service has attended four private bonfires to tackle blazes that have got out of control.

With people doing spring cleans and tidying up their gardens, spring can be a peak time for bonfires so the Fire & Rescue Service is asking people to take a few simple safety steps when building and lighting a bonfire.  These include:

- Bonfires should be 18 metres from any buildings, sheds, trees, fences, overhead cables and car parking areas
- Only clean, dry timber should be burned
- Don't burn aerosols, batteries, bottles, foam-filled furniture, tins of paint or tyres
- Don't leave bonfires unattended
- Don't use petrol, paraffin, diesel, white spirit or methylated spirit - use firelighters instead
- Don't light the fire if it's windy in case burning embers blow away and start fires.
- Always check that no children or animals are hiding in the bonfire before lighting it.
Keep some buckets of water or hosepipe nearby in case of emergency and to damp down after the fire
- Always extinguish your bonfire once you have finished
- Bonfires built on publicly owned land without permission will be removed
- Inform neighbours if you plan to have a bonfire and make them aware the fire is under control

Rather than having bonfires to get rid of garden waste at this time of year, we would suggest people recycle rather than light bonfires.

If you are having a bonfire, you should let Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service know by contacting us on our freephone number 0800 358 4777 or speak with your local fire station.

Bonfires have the potential to quickly spread and get out of control if not built and lit properly so we urge anyone having a bonfire to follow these safety precautions.

Message Sent By: Valerie Ayre (Cumbria Fire & Rescue, Administrator, Cumbria)

Age UK Activity Afternoon June 19th

Tuesday 19th June - Come along and meet your new Village Agent, have a go at Tai Chi followed by a game of curling. 2.00pm – 3.30pm at Natland Village Hall. Cost £1.50 including refreshments.
Contact Ruth Taylor for more information. Tel: 01539 728180.

Registered Charity Number: 1141415

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Missing Person

We are today looking for a missing person reported to us by Lancashire Constabulary. The missing person is a white British male in his late 40's with receding dark brown hair, he was last seen wearing a cream coloured ski jacket and black jeans. This male has been previously found on the route of the Kendal to Lancaster canal. If seen please contact Cumbria Constabulary on 101 and state that this sighting is relation to log 284 of the 14th May. Thank you

Message sent by
Tom Howarth (Police, PCSO, Upper Kent (S))

Monday, 14 May 2012

UKASH Loan Scam

Information sent on behalf of Cumbria County Council

Trading Standards is warning consumers of a scam circulating involving UKASH vouchers.

UKASH is a genuine company where you can use vouchers to pay for goods and services online but only with the approved merchants listed on their website.  You simply purchase a UKASH voucher bearing a 19 digit code and use the voucher on sites that accept UKASH payment.  The recent scam has targeted people looking for loans online.

This advice comes after a consumer applied for a loan online and was instructed by the trader to pay a fee of £330 with a UKASH voucher to release the money.  The consumer never received the loan.

Our advice is never transfer money to loan companies using money transfer service or vouchers and treat your UKASH voucher code just like cash.  Once you have paid using vouchers it is difficult to stop the payment.  However, if you have been a victim of this scam then you should contact UKASH immediately on: 0808 234 6244

You can also report the scam to action fraud on 0300 123 2040 or report it online at www.actionfraud.police.uk
For general consumer advice contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.

Message sent by
Margaret Hodgson (Cumbria County Council, Administrator, Cumbria)

Barry Evans, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator for Natland.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Trip to Hexham Abbey

There is still room on the church outing by coach on the 22nd May, leaving St. Mark's Church at 8.30am. There will be coffee on arrival, a guided tour of the Abbey and a Communion Service followed by lunch. Then there will be time to look round Hexham. On the return journey there will be a stop at a converted railway station and we should arrive back in Natland at 6.15pm. The trip costs £25 - contact John Chandler if you would like to go.

It's Christian Aid Week

The volunteer house to house collectors will soon be delivering envelopes for you to fill for Christian Aid's work in developing countries. Please be prepared to be generous again this year and top last year's total for Natland and Oxenholme of £1,427.

Village Hall 200 Club Winners for May

1st           30
2nd          68
3rd           96

Contact Midge Fairhurst if you would like to join the Club.

News from St. Mark's School

General Kitchen Assistant Vacancy
Following the resignation of Mrs Herd we have a vacancy in the kitchen. The role is as General Kitchen Assistant (Job profile OP1A). The work will involve a range of kitchen duties under supervision. The vacancy is for 2 ½ hours per day (12 ½ hours per week) from 10.00 to 12.30 each day, beginning at the end of May 2012. Details of the job are available from the school office. If any parent is interested please arrange to meet with me to discuss the role in more detail.

Mid-day Supervisor Vacancy
We also have a vacancy on our Midday supervisory team. This involves one hour per day on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 12.00 – 1.00. If you are interested in this role please contact the school office.

As part of their Geography project to improve the area at the top of the field, the children in Year 5 have been thinking of different fundraising ideas.
Below is a list of things they would like to do, alongside ways in which you could help!

St Mark’s School Quiz – Available now!
Now available to purchase at the office. 
£1 to enter and a top prize of £15!
If you would like to take some to your work, a group you attend etc. we would be extremely grateful.

Car Boot Sale – Sunday 20th May @  Kirkbie Kendal School
Mrs Brown has kindly offered to take all of your unwanted items and attempt to sell them at the car boot sale. Please bring any items (e.g. shoes, books, toys, pots bric a brac) which are in good condition and you would be willing to donate to the Year 5 classroom as soon as possible.

Raffle – Friday 1st June
The children will be selling tickets for the raffle on Thursday 31st May and Friday 1st June. If you would like to donate any items which you think would make good raffle prizes we would really appreciate it. Please bring in to school as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support

Mrs Whittaker and Class 5

Hincaster Trailway

Click on this link to download a leaflet describing the new Hincaster Trailway, a newly restored two and a half mile track along the old railway line from Hincaster to Arnside. It is a safe, traffic free route for use on foot, cycle or horseback. In time it is intended to make it suitable for mobility scooters and wheelchairs but at the moment there is only limited access for them at the Hincaster end. Everyone can enjoy the rich diversity of plants, insects and wildlife there.                                   Guy Weller.

Saturday, 12 May 2012


All local government electors of the civil parish of Natland are invited to attend NATLAND ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 7.30pm on Thursday 17th May 2012 NATLAND VILLAGE HALL

Please follow the link to the AGENDA

Parish Council Minutes 30th April

Please follow the link to the minutes of the meeting of Natland Parish Council held on 30th April 2012. MINUTES

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Natland a Stronger Safer Policing Priority

Cumbria Constabulary South Westmorland Newsletter  is now available and describes how Natland is being visited more regularly by the police after reports of anti-social behaviour.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Monday Club

On Monday, 21st May at 2.00pm in the Village Hall Richard Hall will talk about 'Lady Anne Clifford'. It will be followed by the Annual General Meeting and members are reminded that any nominations for office should be with the Secretary 14 days beforehand.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Afternoon Tea

There will be an Afternoon Tea with Plant and Cake Stalls on Thursday 10th May at 2.30-4.pm in St Mark's Church Vestry. Entrance £1.50, in aid of Church funds.

Friday, 4 May 2012

News from St. Mark's Primary School

Mrs Whittaker and Year 5 have been working on plans for developing the top corner of the field as an outside classroom. They have researched ideas by visiting other schools. The models of their ideas are on display in the entrance hall. Year 5 would value your comments. Photos of the models are on the school website www.stmarkscumbria.co.uk .
The first job will be to lay 12 square metres of special meadow turf. This contains wild flower seeds that will hopefully give us a wild flower meadow section later in the summer. A working party is planned for the afternoon of Friday 11th May. If any parent is available to help cut and lay turf we would be very grateful. Please let us know in the school office if you are able to help.

SPRING FAIR – Saturday 19th  MAY – 11.00 a.m.  - 1.00  p.m.
The Friends of St Mark’s look forward to welcoming you all to the Jubilee themed Spring Fair where the Kendal Majorettes will once again be entertaining us. 

Natland Parish Councillor retires after 31 years

At the April Parish Council meeting the Chair, David Peters, paid tribute to retiring councillors Ann Parnham and John Chandler, who have served for eight and four years respectively.  He also thanked Barbara Bowley for her loyal service and support over 31 years.  Barbara was co-opted on April 28th 1981 following the resignation of Mr E L Carke.  She was presented with a bouquet of flowers from all the councillors.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Village Hall Committee AGM

The Village Hall Committee Annual General Meeting, to which everyone is invited, is on MAY 7TH at 7.30 pm. Click  Agenda and Minutes to find out how things are with the Village Hall.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Weather Statistics for April


                                                                         2012                                       2011
Temperature at 8 am                                        5.5c                                        9.2c
Minimum Temperature                                      3.9c                                        7.8c
Maximum Temperature                                    11.1c                                     15.2c

                                                                 mm.       in.                              mm.       in.
Rainfall                                                     82         3.3                             88         3.5   

Unusually, the rest of the country has been wetter than here in April!
Last April was exceptionally warm but this time we have had North or East winds which have kept temperatures down.                 John Dobson
An April shower approaching Natland.

Whin Inglesfield - her book is still available

While villagers still mourn the loss of Whin Inglesfield, it is good to be able to report that copies of her book are still available from her son, John, by calling on him at 17 Abbey Drive.

Celebration of Marriage

Many people were happy to lend their cherished momentos and wedding dresses to an exhibition in church recently. Happy memories were recalled by couples who had been married elsewhere or at St. Mark's, Natland, including Ruth and Ronnie Holmes, and Harry Walker,  who married Marjorie Walker, nee Dixon of the Station Inn, Oxenholme on the 18th June 1941.

Fishy Business

Cumbria Trading Standards are warning Cumbrian residents to be wary of fish sellers in a plain white Ford Transit van who are cold calling offering packs of fish for sale. The packs are being sold at £5.50 per lb.  The packs are not marked with any weight or labelling information as is required.  The traders are reported to have been operating in the Roweltown area.

Trading Standards provide the following advice:

  • Do not do business with cold callers who knock on your door uninvited
  • Look out for those who are vulnerable within your neighbourhoods and family
  • Report suspicious activity to Trading Standards or the Police
  • For help finding a reliable local trader check out the Trading Standards Service 'Buy with Confidence' scheme on  www.buywithconfidence.co.uk
If you have any information or would like further advice contact Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 040506 or contact Cumbria Police on 101

Submitted to Natland News by John Parker - Barrows Green Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator

Hello from one of your new Parish Councillors.


I’ve just received my official ‘notice to person elected as Parish Councillor’ which says that I will have the pleasure of becoming a parish councillor for Natland on Tuesday 8 May, so I thought I would briefly introduce myself to the readers of this blog.

Tim and I live just across ‘the Triangle’, on the edge of the Heron Hill estate, and the plot on which our house stands would have been within the parish before the estate was built so I don’t feel a complete outsider! I enjoyed being a Parish Councillor for many years when we lived in Warwickshire and so when I saw the notice in the Gazette saying that Natland needed councillors I jumped at the chance to become part of the charming village that we enjoy running and cycling through as often as we can.

I hope to meet some of you at the Annual Parish Meeting on 17 May and I look forward to getting to know you all and finding ways to contribute to village life.

Lois Sparling