Thursday, 29 November 2012

Cold Calls

Trading Standards has become aware of consumers in Cumbria receiving unsolicited telephone calls from a company offering to provide breakdown cover for central heating boilers.  We would always advise consumers never to do business with cold callers whether at the door or on the telephone.  Never give out personal details including credit or debit card numbers.

If you receive a call such as this please report the matter to Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.

To cut down the number of unwanted telephone sales calls you can contact the Telephone Preference Service on 0845 070 0707 or by visiting

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Please follow the link to the minutes of the meeting of Natland Parish Council held on 26th November 2012 - MINUTES

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

W.I. News

invite you to our
in the Village Hall, Natland,
from 10am to 12 noon.
Come along and enjoy a Coffee and Mince Pie for £1.


 Annual General Meeting
At the Annual General Meeting of Natland & Oxenholme W.I. Members observed a minutes silence in remembrance of former long standing member of our institute Kathleen Robinson, who died recently.

    Marion Thornton was re-elected as President, she thanked Committee members for their work and support during the past year, with special mention to retiring committee member Sylvia Caveney.

   A report of the federation Council meeting was given by Kirsten Cannon.

   A 40year Membership certificate was presented to Helen Marriott.

   Pat Tetlow was the winner of the Annual Cup for most points gained in the monthly competitions,  runner -up was Joan Ratcliffe.

    Members enjoyed social time & a Jacobs Join supper.

    Next meeting is on Wednesday,12th December. Christmas Stories and Poems with Jackie Huck.     Members are reminded to bring a Christmas parcel for Charity.



Sunday, 25 November 2012

Broadband Update

The County Council contract with BT Global Services has still not been agreed in detail but the final significant hurdle was passed last week when the European Commission finally gave approval for the state aid granted to support the project. This should mean that the Œrollout¹ can begin next spring.

Thank you to all of you who have written to Olivia Garfield, the Chief Executive of BT Openreach, about the service that they receive, and had increasingly terse replies. Perhaps we have made her a little more aware of the frustration of rural communities with the current situation.
Cllr Lois Sparling

STOP PRESS: The County Council announced today that the contract for provision of better broadband round the country would be signed with BT tomorrow, Thursday 29 November. Now the work of lobbying to get what we want in Natland begins...

Updating the Parish Plan

The first 8 volunteers for the Parish Plan Steering Group had very interesting initial get together at the church at the beginning of November
- but it's not too late to join us if you feel you can help us in our job of finding out what people in every corner of our village (and those beyond who come to our village regularly) would like to see happen in Natland.

Our next two meetings have been arranged for 7.30pm on Tuesday 11 December and Thursday 10 January, both in the vestry at the church. At the first we hope to make plans for our initial informal consultation with local individuals and organisations, face to face and through the blog and the magazine, to help us identify key themes for the all-household questionnaire early in the New Year. At the second we aim to begin to draft an action plan, and an outline budget.

Please contact me on if you would like to get involved.
Cllr Lois Sparling

Fake On-line Christmas Goods

Message sent by
Margaret Hodgson (Cumbria County Council, Administrator, Cumbria)

Trading Standards are warning shoppers to beware of fake online goods in the run up to Christmas.  The County Council’s Trading Standards Service is already receiving complaints about Christmas presents purchased over the internet which have failed to arrive because they have been detained by UK Border Agency officers.  Every year the UK Border Agency seizes counterfeit goods coming into the country and innocent consumers lose their hard earned cash because they purchased from dodgy websites.  Counterfeit goods also pose safety risks, such as hair straighteners that overheat or cause fires.

Our advice is to use the Brand-i website to make sure you use websites authorised to sell branded goods and don't waste your money on buying fakesVisit before you start your on-line shopping.

Other online Christmas shopping tips include:
  • shop around for deals by using price comparison sites and multiple search engines - when comparing prices, check that the advertised price includes everything you have to pay including tax and delivery charges
  • check the trader's details and make sure that there is a geographic and email address, as required by law  
  • read the terms and conditions and make sure you understand the payment and delivery details
  • keep a record of all your online transactions including all receipts, order confirmations, correspondence and reference numbers
  • look for a padlock symbol or 'https' in the website address whenever you are inputting your personal or payment details
  • if the price of a product is more than £100 and below £30,000 consider using a credit card as this will give you additional protection if things go wrong
  • check your goods as soon as they arrive as your rights to refunds, repairs and replacements may depend on how quickly you act 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Mobile Phone Found

I found a Nokia mobile phone in a padded zip pouch on Natland road at 10.15am on Thursday 22nd.
There was something else in the pouch with the phone.
Possibly dropped by someone cycling to Kendal or to school?
Handed in to Kendal Police station as lost property.             Guy Weller.

Land Allocations - Suspension of Hearings

SLDC has requested, and been granted by the Planning Inspector, a suspension of the Land Allocations examination hearings until spring next year.  Additional dates had been set to continue the hearings on the 22 and 23 November 2012, but due to a number of issues raised during the hearings a request was made for suspension so all issues could be investigated thoroughly for the Inspector’s consideration.

For further information please follow this link:

Follow Link to Letter 1 & Letter 2

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Message from Cumbria community messaging: Firefighters Wanted

Information sent on behalf of Fire & Rescue Service.
Message sent by Teresa Furness (Fire & Rescue Service, Administrator, Cumbria)


Come and join us and assist YOUR local Fire Station.

As An On Call firefighter you will
    Serve your local community
    Have the potential to earn between £4000 - £6000 per annum
    Learn new skills that will stay with you for life

On Call firefighters promote safety, save lives and are a vital part of your local community. Each station has a need for Firefighters at certain times of day/days of the week, please read the station information pack for details available from website. You must be able to attend the fire station within 5 minutes when responding to call-outs, have practical ability and be physically fit. If successful, you will receive comprehensive training that will equip you with the skills required for the job.

For further details and an application pack telephone: 01768 812558
or email:, or write to:
On Call Recruitment, Human Resources, Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service,
Penrith Community Fire Station, Carleton Avenue, Penrith
CA10 2FA.
Closing date is 18 January 2013.
For further information visit our website:

We are particularly keen to encourage interest from women and people from ethnic minority  groups, both of whom are currently under-represented in our Service.

Police: Wanted

Cumbria Police are assisting Strathclyde Police in trying to locate an Alexander Carne Hewitt 56 years old who we believe is staying in the area possibly in a B and B.

Hewitt may not be using his own name and is described as slim build, greying/thinning hair, prominent glasses, 5’6” tall possibly with a greying beard and is expected to be alone.
If anyone believes Mr Hewitt is staying with them or has seen him in the past few days please contact Cumbria Police on 101 and quote log number 78 of the 15th Nov.

Pro Nobis Christmas Concert

The Pro Nobis Singers will be giving their annual Christmas concert in St Mark's on Sunday 16 December at 8pm. The programme is entitled A Ceremony of Carols and begins with a performance of Benjamin Britten's well-known cycle of carols under that title, written for a choir of upper voices with harp accompaniment. The harpist on this occasion is a local harpist, Mary Dunsford.
The programme also features A Divine Mystery, a choral work written in 2000 by local composer, Adrian Self  - organist of Cartmel Priory. The rest of the programme includes carols and Christmas motets by a wide range of composers interspersed with Christmas readings. Programmes, £8, are now available and may be purchased from Gill and Clive Walkley; alternatively, they can be reserved by phoning 01539 723482.

Monday, 19 November 2012

An Evening with Charles Dickens

Tickets available from Anne Bagnall
01539-739285 or on the door

Parish Council Agenda - 26th November

Please follow link to find the agenda for the meeting of Natland Parish Council to be held on Monday 26th November 2012 at the Village Hall 7.30pm. AGENDA

Cat Returns Home

Last Week Natland News sent out an urgent email to all readers following a request from Leonie Johnson at Southlakeland Parks.

Leonie has informed us of the very good news that the lady that owns the cat came forward on Saturday – she lives in Natland – so a very happy ending.  But all in all a week of drama but at least the outcome was a good one.
Thank you Natland News so much for your help

Last weeks email:

This is a photograph of a cat that has taken up residence outside of our back door at work for the past 5 days. She is wearing a purple collar. We have seen the cat many a time previously in passing so know she is local - but she now appears desperate and as if she has nowhere to go as she just sits on our doorstep. We are convinced she has been out all night too as she is always there first thing in the morning and last thing when we leave at night, plus all day and seems to be very desperate and hungry.
Please call 07780 883 526 (in the day time) or 07846 401 701 (in the evening or weekends) urgently. 
Thanks, Leonie Johnson.

Police Festive Message

People out and about in the South Lakes area are being urged to consider their personal security over the festive season through a new drive from Kendal Police.

A number of measures are being deployed to deter shoplifters and pickpockets both during the day and night in Kendal town Centre and surrounding areas.

Retailers and local business’ are being urged to put their business security to good use and report any suspicious activity to police, including suspicious people and vehicles

Christmas safety tips!

Police Community Support Officer Nicky Yates said: “At this time of year shoppers are inclined to carry more money with them, and more often than not leave their presents and gifts in their cars in car parks. It is important to keep wallets and purses in a safe place and to only carry a limited amount of money. If you are carrying a handbag, do not leave it unattended, even for a short time. It only takes a few seconds to steal! Don’t leave anything in view in your cars. Keep your Christmas purchases and other personal items out of view, preferably locked away in the boot. Don’t make yourself or your car a target for a thief
  • Make sure you're the one taking the Christmas shopping home - lock car doors, close windows and take all valuables with you when you leave your vehicle. Don't tempt thieves.
  • Don't leave valuables unattended or on display i.e. on top of a pram, trolley or table,
    keep your bag zipped up and in front of your body - use a purse chain and you can ask your local police officer for a purse bell.
Thank you for your time, PCSO 5250 NICKY YATES, KENDAL POLICE STATION

Friday, 16 November 2012

Lanterns at school

The school field this evening, illuminated by lanterns made by the children of St.Mark's school

Richard Rhodes - New Police Commissioner

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Parish Council Minutes

To view the minutes of the Council Meeting held in Natland Village Hall on Monday 29th October 2012 please follow link to MINUTES

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Monday Club

This month the group for over 50's will have a talk called "A Tourist's Guide to the Universe" from Stuart Atkinson, the Kendal astronomer and convener of the local astronomical society. It's on Monday the 19th November at 2pm in the Village Hall.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

This really is the last steam train of the year.

The Cumbrian Mountaineer, 46201 Princess Elizabeth will be northbound through Oxenholme on Saturday 17th November at 10-41am.

Afternoon Tea in Church this Thursday

Friday, 9 November 2012

Village Hall Committee Meeting

There was a good turnout of members to the Village Hall committee meeting last Monday where the treasurer announced that the net profit from the Craft Fair was £724.31. The takings were down on the door, the raffle and on refreshments, but this was probably due to the weather. Many stallholders have said they were pleased with the amount they had sold, nonetheless.

The next fundraising event is the Fun Quiz on the 9th February.

The winners of the 200 Club draw were - 1st Bill Caveney, 2nd Dennis Pook and 3rd Joyce Watkinson.

Come along to Young at Heart- a social group for older residents on Monday 12th November at Natland Village Hall from 1.45pm – 3.45pm. Another session is planned for 17th Dec.

Make new friends and join in with a variety of activities from dominoes and curling to crafts, quizzes, scrabble and seated exercises. Cost £2.00 including refreshments.

This month there will be a short talk by Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service about how you can stay safe whilst keeping warm in the winter months. There will also be the opportunity to find out about your free home safety visit and a chance to try a seated exercise class!

Look forward to seeing you there!

Contact Ruth Taylor for more information. Tel: 01539 728180

                                Registered Charity Number: 1141415

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Police News Letter

To view the latest local police newsletter please follow link to POLICE NEWSLETTER

Thefts from Motor Vehicles

Kendal Police have received several reports of thefts (especially power tools) from motor vehicles over the last couple of days covering quite a large area including Arnside and Burneside.
Members of the public are therefore reminded to ensure property and vehicles are secure and where possible do not leave tools or valuables in vehicles overnight.
Any suspicious incidents or persons should be reported to Police on Tel 101. 

Trading Standards Warn of Illegal Scrap White Goods Collections

Cumbria Trading Standards are warning residents in the South Lakeland area to be wary of cold callers offering to collect disused white goods including washing machines and fridges.  White goods must be disposed of in an environmentally safe way. Residents should use the approved collection service such as the one offered by South Lakeland District Council (SLDC), who can be contacted on 0845 050 4434. SLDC staff will carry identification and use a vehicle marked with the “RIGHT 2 WORK” logo.

Right 2 Work Collection Team
If residents have any information or concerns about bogus collectors they should contact Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 040506.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

A Big Thank you from the Village Hall committee

Thank you to exhibitors and stallholders who rose early and came through heavy rain to put their crafts on display at the Craft Fair and Exhibition last Saturday.  The Village Hall was soon transformed into a place of warmth and colour and as soon as everything was set up there were bacon buns promptly available from Ann Tilney's band of kitchen helpers. Here are some of the photos of the stalls which included some new craft producers from Natland. They were Elsa Fuster with clothes and jewellery made from felt, Jackie Holmes who makes cakes and jams at home and Lisa Harrison who makes fused glass pictures, bowls, jewellery and silverware.

Meanwhile, in the small hall seventy local craftspeople had brought their best handiwork, - expertly knitted jumpers, carved tables in yew and mahogany, embroidered pictures and cushions, collages and pots were just some of the items on display.

The most favourite item voted for by visitors was the embroidered Nativity Set by Jean Dobson.

So, thank you to everyone who came and bought - the overall result for the Village Hall funds will appear here as soon as it's available.

A Reminder to the people of Oxenholme

that the VILLAGE HALL in Natland is the
At the request of the Oxenholme representative on the Village Hall committee, Myra Melville, this notice has been prepared to remind people to make use of the hall. It might serve as a reminder to the people of Natland, too.  Myra told the committee that originally funds were raised in Natland and Oxenholme to make a hall for both villages in the old Reading Room on Burton Road. Then the stables of the Vicarage became available and the funds were spent on making them into the existing 
Village Hall. Does anyone know any more about the history of the founding of the Village Hall?
Regular activities/users include Badminton, Table Tennis, Indoor Bowls, Craft Group, Kendal Photographic Society, Monday Club, Pre-School and Toddler Group, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Women’s Institute and Natland Parish Council.

Annual Fundraising Events include a General Knowledge Quiz, Art Exhibition and Craft Show, plus Jumble Sales and Coffee Mornings.

The Hall can be hired for events such as birthday parties.

Fuller information can be found on this Community Website, just go to “contacts.

The Hall is owned by a Charitable Trust and is run by a Management Committee of volunteers, mostly representing the Hall users.

Booking is through Ray Richardson on 01539 740845.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Doorstep Selling Campaign Success

Following the success of the Doorstep Selling activity in July, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), the Trading Standards Institute (TSI), Citizens Advice and Action Fraud are working together to empower consumers to stay safe when a trader calls. 

The campaign will launch jointly during TSI's National Consumer Week (12th – 19th November 2012) and the OFT's messaging will focus on invited and uninvited doorstep traders offering mobility aids and home insulation products and services, emphasising that consumers have the same rights even when they ask a salesperson to come to their home.  According to latest Consumer Direct data, almost 36,000 complaints regarding invited doorstep sellers were received in 2012 with just under 8,000 complaints received for uninvited doorstep traders. 

More information is available here, including downloadable materials and details of how you can order hard copy leaflets and booklets:
The leaflet is aimed at an audience over 70 and includes signs to look out for, advice on how to feel empowered to refuse making an instant decision, and suggested actions on what to do next.  The booklet is aimed at family, friends and carers, advising on signs that show how a friend or relative may be at risk and the action to take.

Proud Natland Granny

Natlander Ruth Otway reports:

Peter Otway
My grandson PETER OTWAY [AGE 23] has won a place in the RADIO 2 final for COMEDIAN OF THE YEAR 2012.  There are 6 finalists [from an initial entry nationwide of 800] The final is next MONDAY NOV 12TH at The GRAND THEATRE BLACKPOOL

It is to be broadcast on RADIO 2 8-00pm to 9-00pm  with the results at 10-00

The result will be determined by   a]  Audience vote
                                                 b]  Text    [no to be announced on night
                                                 c]  Via the red button  if you listen to it on your TV  [Radio2]

He has worked hard for this ,writing all his own scripts and has been doing ''gigs'' all round the country in the last 2 years 
As well as getting a very good degree in politics and now doing  a Masters Degree. I am obviously hoping he wins   PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ANYONE YOU THINK WILL LISTEN AND MORE IMPORTANTLY VOTE FOR HIM

Past winners include Sarah Millican and Alan Carr  so '' fame beckons the OTWAY NAME

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Craft Fair and Exhibition THIS SATURDAY

Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall

13th Annual

Saturday 3rd November
10am to 4pm

Stalls offering the best locally made crafts.
Exhibition of items made by local people.
Raffle      Admission 50p      Refreshments
All profits to Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall Funds
Registered Charity no. 523072

Weather Statistics for October

                                                  2012                            2011

Temperature at 8am                      5.8c                            10.6c
Minimum temperature (Av)            4.3c                              7.9c
Maximum temperature (Av)          10.1c                            12.3c
                                          mm             in               mm              in
Rainfall                               153            6.1              150              6.0

October was colder than usual. The 8am temperatures were at least 2 degrees down on previous years. Rainfall was about average and we had a couple of periods when no rain fell for a few days!                   John Dobson