that the VILLAGE HALL in Natland is the
At the
request of the Oxenholme representative on the Village Hall committee, Myra Melville, this notice
has been prepared to remind people to make use of the hall. It might serve as a
reminder to the people of Natland, too. Myra told the committee that originally
funds were raised in Natland and Oxenholme to make a hall for both villages in
the old Reading Room on Burton
Road. Then the stables of the Vicarage became
available and the funds were spent on making them into the existing Village Hall. Does anyone know any more about the history of the founding of the Village Hall?
Regular activities/users include Badminton, Table Tennis, Indoor Bowls, Craft Group, Kendal Photographic Society, Monday Club, Pre-School and Toddler Group, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Women’s Institute and Natland Parish Council.
Annual Fundraising Events include a General Knowledge Quiz, Art Exhibition and Craft Show, plus Jumble Sales and Coffee Mornings.
The Hall can be hired for events such as birthday parties.
Fuller information can be found on this Community Website, just go to “contacts”.
The Hall is owned by a Charitable Trust and is run by a Management Committee of volunteers, mostly representing the Hall users.
Booking is through Ray Richardson on 01539 740845.