Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Roofing Cold Callers

Trading Standards are warning residents in the South Lakes area to be aware of cold callers offering roofing services who have also been reported to be canvassing within a ‘No Cold Calling Zone’.  ‘No Cold Calling Zones’ are set up to discourage cold callers from entering the area and to empower the residents in saying NO to cold callers.

Trading Standards would like to reiterate previous advice - don't buy products on the doorstep. 

Help to stop the doorstep caller by telling your friends and family and by making us aware of any cold callers that you have encountered by reporting to Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or the Police on 101.

For general advice on consumer issues visit

Follow us on twitter at

Steam Train

Steam train coming through, Saturday 31st August loco to be advised.

Appleby water Arrive           11:59
                     Depart              12:14

Carlisle          Arrive             12:55
                     Depart              16:14    

Penrith                                  16:40

Tebay                                    17:01

Oxenholme                          17:12       

Carnforth for water.
                  Arrive                   17:32 
                  Depart                18:39

Lancaster                            18:49

Pat Williams.

More trains coming, 1 on 6th Sept - 2 on the 7th Sept - 1 on the 14th Sept details to follow 

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Table Tennis Club Season Starts

Natland and Oxenholme Table Tennis Club, new season 2013 - 2014.  Starts 3 September 2013.

Our club sessions start soon for the new season, and we invite anyone interested in table tennis to come along.  New members of any standard are most welcome.  The details are:

    Club sessions are on Tuesdays, 7.30 to 9.30pm, Natland Village Hall, first session 3 September 2013.
    Junior coaching is on Mondays, 6.00 to 7.00pm, Natland Village Hall, starts 16 September 2013.

    We run 6 teams in the local Kendal and District Table Tennis League, plus two teams in the Junior League.  However there is no necessity to play in a team, several members just enjoy coming for a friendly game or practice on club nights.
    This year we are running coaching sessions for club members, with three experienced coaches from Barrow (Duncan, Jonathon and Scott
 Crawford).  These will be in October, November and December.  

If you are interested, please get in touch with either myself or our Chairman, our contact details are below.  Or simply come along to one of our Tuesday club sessions, it would be great to see you.

Mick Taylor, Club Secretary, 015395 60904, email Mick Taylor
Rin Colombi, Chairman, 07947 093226, email Rin Colombi

Monday, 19 August 2013

Keep your dog in order – or face a fine

As you will have read, South Lakeland District Council’s new Dog Control Orders come into force today, Monday 19 August. There are four separate orders of which dog owners should be aware. They will be enforced by SLDC’s Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers and Police Community Support Officers who are authorised to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (with a penalty of £75) for non-compliance.

A person in charge of a dog must:
  • clean up after the dog on all public land
  • keep their dog on a lead on highways and footways/pavements in built-up areas, cemeteries, designated parks and gardens
  • put their dog on a lead if asked to do so by a council officer or policeman to prevent nuisance to people or wildlife
  • keep their dog out of the Dog Control Areas.
There are no Dog Control Areas in Natland parish. The closest are: Bolefoot play area, a small area off Helmside Gardens in Oxenholme, the playground at The Oaks and some other green spaces on Murley Moss, Rinkfield and round the leisure centre. 

To report contraventions of the new DCOs contact SLDC on 0845 050 4434 or online at www.southlakeland.gov.uk. The enforcement team will investigate the complaint and let you know what happens.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Steam Trains

Saturday 17th August

46223 Duchess of Sutherland or 60009 Union of South Africa.

Appleby for water arrive 11:55
Depart                            12:10

Carlisle arrive              12:54
Depart                         16:11

Penrith                        16:36

Tebay                          16:55 
Oxenholme                  17:07
Carnforth for water      17:26
Depart                         18:39 

Lancaster                    18:48

Pat Williams.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Village Hall Committee Meeting

The Village Hall is quiet during August, the only time of the year when both halls could be booked at more or less any time. Some improvement work is anticipated on the rooms. Acoustic panels will be installed in the large hall shortly and the heating in the small hall will be improved by the addition of two new radiators along the wall opposite the hatch. The remainder of the chairs with fabric cushions will soon be cleaned - it would be appreciated if users would try to keep them as clean as possible.


Lynden Carter, the current treasurer, has notified the committee of her intention to resign at the end of the financial year next April. It is really urgent that this post should be filled as soon as possible, as this will allow the new treasurer to become familiar with the job before taking it on.
Please do think about it, and contact Ray Richardson, Chairman, if you would like to find out more.

The winners of the 200 Club draw this month are: 1st prize no.39 Ronnie Holmes. 2nd prize no 23 David Peters. 3rd prize no.62 Audrey Ireland.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Missing Person Update

The missing female was found this morning.

Urgent Police Message - Missing Female

Police are urgently looking for a female who has gone missing from Berry Holme near Helsington Church and was last seen at 16:00 today Sunday 4th August.

The missing woman is in her early 60's is 5' - 8" and approx 11 stone. She has short dark grey hair and a predomanent nose.

She was last seen wearing a Blue buttoned up top, denim jeans, light shoes and she was wearing no coat.
The missing woman suffers from dementia and is unable communicate with other people.
Please contact Police immediately if you see this woman walking around the area on 101.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Latest Parish Council Minutes

Check out the activities of Natland Parish Council by clicking on this link: NPC Minutes 29th July 2013.

The Minutes record that the Parish Council recommended approval for an extension to the School,  a rebuild of Wingrove on Oxenholme Lane and a change of use at Millenium House.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Could you help a neighbour tackle cold callers?

Do you know someone in the village who isn't comfortable dealing with cold callers or other unexpected visitors? Would you be prepared to register as their ‘nominated neighbour’ to help them sort the genuine callers from the conmen?

The County Council have just launched their Nominated Neighbour Scheme and are looking for volunteers to protect vulnerable people in their local area.

The system works like this. When a cold caller arrives, they are shown a card which tells them to go to the Nominated Neighbour’s home to have their identity verified. If satisfied, the Nominated Neighbour then comes back to the house while the visit takes place to make sure nothing untoward happens.

It is hoped that genuine callers will be happy to follow the procedure but criminals will be quickly deterred and leave the vulnerable person in peace.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact Trading Standards on 01539 713594 or email trading.standards@cumbria.gov.uk.

Alternatively, if you are worried about a caller or wish to report a doorstep crime, please ring the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 040506 or ring the police on 101.

Natland Girl gets married,

Nicole Williams, elder daughter of Richard and Linda Williams of Natland, married Andrew Marshall in the bandstand at Weston Park, Sheffield on Saturday 22nd June 2013. The reception was in the nearby Damhouse.

Weather Statistics for July

Temperature at 8 am
Minimum Temperature
Maximum Temperature
Phew, that was a hot one! The hottest since 2006 with several days
showing maximum temperatures between 26 and 28c. Up to the 23rd
it was very dry but the final week brought the rainfall total up to