Saturday, 28 January 2017

Parish Council minutes published

The minutes of the January meeting of Natland Parish Council have now been published and are available to read or download here.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Dignity in Dementia for Family Carers

Are you supporting someone with Dementia?
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed?
If so, why not sign up for our free 5 week ‘Dignity in Dementia Care' programme, designed to support family members caring for someone with dementia.  It starts on Thursday 16th February, 6pm – 8pm, at Natland Village Hall, Natland, Cumbria LA9 7QY, and then the following 4 Thursdays.
For more information and/or to book a place on the course, contact Diane Smillie on 07771 682378 or Lesley Gill on 07816 895021 or email:    More details of course available by clicking on this link.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Art Exhibition in Natland & Oxenholme Village Hall | Calling all artists

The Village Hall Management Committee invite you to enter paintings in the Art Exhibition to be held in the Village Hall on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 March 2017. This annual event is held to showcase local talent and also raise money for hall funds. 

The closing date for receipt of entry forms is Monday 28 February, and individual artists may enter up to 4 paintings for sale in the exhibition. 

Full details of how to enter can be found here. Entry forms are available either as a PDF or as a MS Word document which can be edited and returned by email.

The exhibition will be open to the public on the Saturday from 10am to 4pm and on Sunday from 11.30am to 4pm. Refreshments will be on sale in the small hall.

Sarah Roberts (Exhibition co-ordinator)

Sunday, 22 January 2017

January WI meeting report

The January meeting of Natland & Oxenholme WI heard an interesting talk from Dr Anne Urquhart about her voluntary work training nurses in the Himalaya. Next month’s talk will be given by Simon Thomas at 7.15pm on 15 January on the topic of Artisan Breadmaking at Home.

Read all about the meeting and our other recent activities here.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Lost Earring

Solid silver, very plain, somewhere in Natland. Contact Di Outhwaite 015395 60019, if you happen to find it.

Steam train approaching - spring can't be far behind

On Saturday 21st January, 45690 Leander will be northbound through Oxenholme 11:56 then Southbound through Oxenholme 17:01.

Pat Williams.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Parish Council agenda published

The next meeting of Natland Parish Council will take place on Monday 23 January at 7.30pm at Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall. The agenda has now been published and is available to download, along with the necessary reports and papers, here.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Change to 41/41A

From 13th February there are some changes to many of Kendal Town bus services in an attempt to improve reliability. A major change is that the 41/41A Kendal to Oxenholme will run from the car park side of Blackhall Road rather than the Bus Station.

Timetabling changes for 41/41A
Minor changes before 15:25
15:15 41A     becomes 15:25
15:40  41        School bus – becomes 15:42 and no longer continues into Town Centre after Oxenholme.
15:45  41        becomes 16:05
16:15  41A     No longer operates
16:45  41        becomes 41A at 16:40
17:15 41A     becomes 41
17:45  41        becomes 41A at 17:50
A full revised timetable can be found here. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Memories of Rosemary Usher, who died at Christmas

The memorial service took place last Tuesday at St. James's Church Wetherby of Rosemary Usher, a long time resident of Natland. She and Charles were wardens of St. Mark's Home before it was Appletree, and she was an enthusiastic and inspirational worker in the community. As Guide leader she took a minibus of Guides to Austria and will be remembered by many girls for the plays and musicals she involved them in. She accompanied girls to London when they won the Queen's Guide award, and encouraged them in their ideas for a national competition to serve a meal in an unusual place, which they won. (Serving sausage and mash to the crane driver who was erecting the hospital at the time). She was also very interested and involved in crafts, leading the Craft Group and the Craft Fair as she put her efforts into raising funds for the new Village Hall extension.
Click on this link to read the address given by the Rev'd Stroma McDermott, Curate at St. James's.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Village Hall Annual Quiz. 4th Feb.

On Saturday 4th February at 7.30 there will be a quiz and a two course supper in 
Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall. 
The whole event will cost £9; bring your own drinks.
The teams will be of 4 players and booking forms can be 
Deadline for entries Saturday 28th January

Friday, 6 January 2017

Village Hall activities

There are so many different activities going on in the Village Hall, so if you are a bit loose endish this January do look through this Google calendar, clicking on each day to expand the information. Click here to see the full diary of Village Hall activities. Organisers’ contact information for the regular activities in the hall can be found in the Parish Directory (click here to read or download).

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Approach to Natland to become industrialised unless you act NOW!

The deadline for the submission of any objections you may have to the extension of the substation on the Sedgwick Road into the field opposite is this Friday, 6th January. (See earlier story on this website headed ‘Nuclear Fallout’.)

The current North West Coast Connections consultation on the matter by National Grid was considered at the December meeting of Natland Parish Council following the public consultation event in the village hall. The council is requesting that the proposed extension to the substation be located on the same side of Sedgwick Road as the present installation in order to lessen the impact on amenity and views from Natland, Cracalt and Newlands and avoid loss of valuable agricultural land.

Don and Margaret Shore have expressed their objection to National Grid in these terms: Anyone approaching or leaving Natland using Sedgwick Road, whether by car, on foot, on horse or as a cyclist...would be forced to pass through the middle of a large substation. This would radically change the southern approach to what is one of South Lakeland’s most attractive small villages. It would be more like arriving through an industrial estate.

Click on this link to email National Grid and add your comments to the consultation.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Summary of Natland Parish Council's December meeting

At the Natland Parish Council meeting, the Clerk read out the Police report; there had been four incidents reported in the Natland area, and from these one crime had been recorded.  
In response to a request from Project Manager Helen Moriarty to consider expressing support for the proposed Crowpark Bridge to Burton Road section of the Towpath Trail along the disused canal, councillors had no objection in principle, but could not support the scheme as a “Locally Important Project” (LIP) as the creation of a footway along C5071 Natland Road has already been identified as its priority.  The council will now consider whether applying itself for a LIPs grant from SLDC might expedite the creation of that footway.
The current North West Coast Connections consultation by National Grid was considered and there had been a recent Consultation Event in the village hall.  The council will request that the proposed extension to the substation be located on the same side of Sedgwick Road as the present installation in order to lessen the impact on amenity and views from Natland, Cracalt and Newlands and avoid loss of valuable agricultural land.   
In response to the planning application to build up to 26 houses on land adjacent to the north side of Natland Mill Beck Lane, councillors commented on the inadequacy of the highway access proposals and the unacceptable adverse effects on the character and amenity of the lane and its setting.  The council requests that the application be firmly refused.
Cllr David Peters had annotated the map of road gullies in the parish which will be delivered to CCC Highways.  Cllr Ellison reported that all footpaths in the parish are clear, and that he is gradually replacing the waymarkers.  Guy Weller was thanked for his continued work with the Speed Indicator Device in the parish.
The next meeting is on Monday January 23, 7.30 in the village hall.  This will be the precept meeting. 
 The full report of the December meeting can be seen by clicking on this link.

Monday, 2 January 2017

The difference between two Decembers.

A huge difference to last December with low rainfall compared to the deluge last year. Annual rainfall was 54.9 inches which is just below average. It was fairly mild as well, in fact warmer than November.
John Dobson

Monday Club

On the 16th January 2017, held as usual in the Village Hall at 2pm, members will have the pleasure of a visit from Maurice Steele with his latest presentation:-"Wandering in Wales." Refreshments and Book stall to follow.