Monday, 24 July 2017

Proposed New Development

There is another proposed new development, this time of over a hundred extra care units. It's on a site allocated in the Local Plan as "Land South of Fell Close" (2.71 hectares 61 dwellings). Here are links to plans of the location: Plan. Satellite viewMap.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

School Play Area now Open

Parents and grandparents will be pleased to learn that the play area behind the school, on the left and accessible via the little path to the left of the staff car park, is now open after a year of closure. It looks to be in very good fettle and might prove a welcome resource for children with time on their hands over the summer holiday.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Village Hall Improvements

Sarah Roberts was elected the new Chair of the Village Hall Committee at the AGM, and Jean Heseltine, John Bostock and John Fisher have also joined the Committee. This has given new energy to move things forward. John Fisher will be commissioning/coordinating works over the summer.
The hall has already been re-wired where necessary and work will begin on the 21st July with tree and hedge trimming, which will allow more light in at the back of the building. Then three rooflights will be put into the toilets and corridor, to be followed by refurbishment work on doors, and pipe-boxing. In August the toilets and corridor will be re-floored. Ventilation in the toilets and kitchen and drainage and guttering to the rear of the hall will also be improved.
So, be prepared for a pleasant surprise when the hall is open again on the 6th September.

Life in the Orphanages by WIlliam Bowman

On Natland News, in the Features section, there is a link to George's Story: What life as a Waif and Stray in St. Mark's Home was really like. (Click here).

In 2017 William Bowman discovered this feature and wrote to Natland News as his brother James had been at St. Mark's Home, Natland and possibly had known George.

William had also been placed in a home and he wanted to share with Natland News readers his family experiences, including his eventual, poignant reunion with James who had known nothing about William or his other brothers and sisters.

This is followed by William's personal account of what life was like in an orphanage during the war years. Click here for the full account.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Temporary Closure of the Post Office

Natland Post Office will be closed for two weeks from the 20th July until 7th August. This is to enable extensive refurbishment to take place. Click here for the notice from P.O.H.Q.

Saturday, 8 July 2017

New gas power station and lithium battery storage proposed at Old Hutton

There would be eleven 15M high chimneys and 40 shipping containers for the battery storage, and they would be very obvious from the top of Helm. Click here for the Stop the Old Hutton Power Station Facebook page.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Weather Statistics for June

                                               2017 2016
Temperature at 8 am 13.5c 15.6c
Average Minimum Temperature 12.0c 13.9c
Average maximum temp. 19.6c    20.4c
                                             mm   in      mm    in
Rainfall                                153   6.1   107.5 4.3
A variable month with a heatwave in the middle but cooler and wet at the start and end. Rainfall was twice the average for June. The only wetter June was in 2012 during the 13 years I have kept records.        John Dobson

Wish list for Natland

 At the last meeting of the Parish Council the following prioritised list of Natland's community aspirations was agreed, to be sent to South Lakeland Infrastructure Delivery Plan. 
1.    A footway/cycleway on Natland Road between Natland and Kendal
2.    A pedestrian crossing on the A65 somewhere such as the railway bridge near end of Helmside Road
3.    Funding for 20mph speed limit through village
4.    Potential traffic calming at village entrance on Natland Road
5.    New headwall, culvert and outfall at Helm Sink – to alleviate flooding of A65 Burton Road and assist with the delivery of site allocation, South of Fell Close
6.    A bus stop and shelter in the vicinity of site allocation – West of Sedgwick Road, may be funded through a S106 agreement
7.    Completion of Helm Lane resurfacing
8.    Upgrade inadequate village highway surface water drainage system
9.    Alleviate flooding at several points outside the village – (Sedgwick – Natland – Kendal Road)
10. Extension of existing footway along Oxenholme Lane from its junction with Long Meadow Lane to St Mark’s C of E Primary School
  Aspirations 7 to 10 are not as closely linked to new development as are 1 to 6.